Monday, April 30, 2007

When four blogs collide...

Well, the Sydney bloggers' network continues to expand. Yours truly was favoured with an invitation to the exclusive BSB bloggers' Sunday forum and what a meet it was! The charming and ever so personable Patient Man was there, together with Aussielicious (and his controversial buns), the debonair SuperChilled and his wonderfully accented partner The Frenchman! The witty repartee sparkled in the late afternoon sun, however unfortunately, Monty was still recovering from an overindulgence in alcoholic substances the previous evening and was feeling decidedly seedy and completely lacking in his normal social skills. Fortunately, the others were most forgiving and very welcoming!

Once Aussielicious had taken his buns off to Bondi, the remainder of us toddled off to the movies and saw the Oscar winning (Best Foreign Film) The Lives of Others (Das Leben Der Anderen) - a nostalgic, tragic and winsome tale set in East Berlin in the mid 1980's. I would definitely recommend it, however as The Patient Man was quick to point out, it's not a very smiley film.

AND Monty's secret identity has been exposed to the world, thanks to our friend The Patient Man! Yes, my day time mild mannered Banker's alter ego has been partially revealed in his blog, which, together with the quickly flicking pics on SuperChilled's blog, looks set to wreak havoc on any chance of anonymity!

1 comment:

T said...

well mate the photos on superchilled's blog spun by so quickly I think your identity is pretty safe.

and we will still think of you as Monty if you prefer it :)
