Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Yes, that's right folks, your correspondent has been walking around today smugly smiling, happy as Larry! McBrad arrived back safe and sound yesterday morning, with all limbs intact, and so was more than taken advantage of! Three weeks of abstinence has been a killer but it was all worthwhile, let me say!

And after three weeks sleeping in a cold lonely bed, it was wonderful to have my man next to me. He pulled me into him, spooning, and it was like a bolt of lightning - it just felt soooooooo good and it had been sooooo long. I love that I fit just perfectly in against him.

Monty is one chirpy chap at work today!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


It's 10pm on Saturday night. I'm lying on the couch watching a dvd when I receive an sms from Howard the Pom. HTP was an occasional FB of mine, who lived in Kirribilli, which is about 10 mins drive from my place. He'd message me in former days if he felt like a shag and if I was up for it, he'd pop over, we'd do the business and he'd be off again. He was the absolute true definition of an FB - there was no meaningful conversation, I don't even know his last name. I do know that he works for the same firm that fellow blogger Tom used to work for (Tom, however, does not know him). Anyway, it's been over a year since I last saw HTP, before my last UK holiday and obviously, since then I've moved on.

Anyway, HTP is seeking a liason tonight. I've told him I'm in a monogamous relationship with my boyfriend and in fact, I'm staying at my boyfriend's place tonight. He's countered with the suggestion of a threesome. You have to give him points for persistence. He is quite a nice guy, and does fit the bill physically for me and I've got to say, I always enjoyed our encounters. But, although fate has put temptation in my path tonight, there's just no way I'm going there.
I advised him to grab a cab into Oxford St, go to a bar and pick up a boy and take him home. He says he only wants me. Well, he's only human after all. I can't help that I'm the best shag he's ever had!

Anyway, it was just an interesting and somewhat different aspect to an otherwise fairly quiet Saturday night in the life of Monty!

Dot Points...

. I passed my exam - received the confirmation on Friday! Yay! One subject down, 7 to go! UG!

. Collected the mail on Thursday night and there was an envelope addressed to: McBrad and Monty! Yes, that's right, our first ever jointly addressed mail. I was very excited. It was a wedding invitation from a couple of McBrad's friends who are getting married in January.

. There's about 6 large hedge-type bushes in the back yard at McBrad's. Before he left, we talked about removing them as they've kinda outgrown themselves, they're blocking all the nice sunshine and they also serve to make the backyard look smaller. McBrad sent me an email last week asking if I could get some quotes from some nice tradesmen types to remove them. I thought, in my enthusiasm of having done that little garden the other week, that I would try to dig them up myself. I dug one up this afternoon. I'm now ringing up tradesmen types to remove the rest. It's a killer - I've got blisters on my soft white office worker's hands and I'm exhausted!

. It's been really busy at work this week too!

. Had dinner with my mate Evan on Thursday night. We haven't had dinner for ages - between our respective schedules, work, holidays, other halves, it's been challenging to meet up! But we did and it was great to see him again. He and McDreamy are still going strong - 18 months and counting.

. McBrad is back on Tuesday at 7.10am! I've taken the day off! I'll let you imagine what you will about what I plan to do with/to him for the day! ;-)

. I like my job and my clients generally, but it's starting to irritate me when they ring up about the Government Guarantee of their deposits. The government initially provided an unlimited guarantee however is now changing that to limit the guarantee to $1M. Anything over that, they'll have to pay a fee to have the guarantee extended. I have had a couple of clients ring me and complain about how exposed they feel, with "only" $1M guaranteed and how dare the government make them pay a fee to extend the guarantee. I mean, seriously guys, be thankful you have a million dollars in the bank in the first place - the vast majority of people are lucky to have a few thousand in their accounts. In any case, there is very little chance that any of the banks in Australia are going to go belly up - the Australian financial system is quite robust and the banks are still very profitable.

. This post is a lot bigger than I initially thought it would be.

. That's it. Nothing more to say. :-)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday night...

...and I'm here at home (well, McBrad's home, but it feels pretty much like home to me), Poison (Alice Cooper) is on and dinner is in the oven. Oh, and now Haddaway (is that how you spell it?) has come on. Glass of chardy is being consumed rather quickly.

Anyway, I sat my exam yesterday and think I did ok. To be honest, as long as I get a Pass, I'll be happy. It's exceedingly dull stuff. But it's good that it's all over...for this year anyway. Not going to start the next one until 2009 so I have a few months off which is bloody marvellous!

I've come to realize over the last couple of weeks just what a commitment having a pet is. Noodle consumes my time at home. Being a Groodle (which is a Golden Retriever/Poodle cross), she's got the insatiable desire to retrieve stuff and so is always dropping (very subtle this one) her favourite toy at my feet, so that I can throw it and she can run and retrieve it. It's very endearing but after a while, I just want to concentrate on what I'm doing. I've got to wake up earlier than normal so that I can take her for a run before I go to work. I've got to come home after work and feed her and walk/run/play with her. It's normally well after 7:30pm before I can get to making my dinner etc. And she has an burning curiosity about everything I do - particularly if it has anything to do with food. She is such a sweet tempered thing and is the most social puppy I know, but she is a big responsibility. It's not something I would've thought possible even 12 months ago but she's a responsibility that I have willingly taken on as a surrogate father whilst my gorgeous McBrad is away. It's one less thing he has to worry about and is one thing that I can do to support him.

Anyway, the official count down has begun - only 6 1/2 days until I see McBrad again! So it's only around 150 hrs to go!!! I've missed him so much!

Pet Shop Boys is on now. I was talking to my brother Mark yesterday and he mentioned to me that it's only 9 weeks until Christmas which blew me away! It's come around so quickly. It's also quite exciting as Mark and Sim are flying over from the UK and will be staying for 3 weeks! They fly in the morning of Boxing Day and so we'll meet at the beach house and have a slightly delayed Christmas! (McBrad and I will be here in Sydney for Christmas Day itself and will probably just have a lunch or dinner with some friends) So it will be great to catch up with them (and the rest of the boys - there'll be 8 of us down the coast) and spend some time in the sun and at the beach and eating, drinking and relaxing. It will also be good because McBrad will be able to spend a bit more time with Mark and Sim and get to know them better. After all, Mark's my only family member that McBrad is likely to get to know in the forseeable future anyway.

And now Tina Turner has come on. And on that note, I think I shall leave you. Ciao!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I had to deal with conflict this weekend...on the one hand, I had some serious study to do, for my exam on Monday. On the other hand, it was a totally magnificent weekend in Sydney, with temps in the mid to high 20's (degrees Celcius) and perfect blue skies! It was very hard, let me say. But I did manage to get some study in and will be doing more this evening. Thankfully, my exam is at noon Monday which means that I can study some more in the morning, do my exam and then go to work. Work is very understanding in this respect.

Anyway, I went to the Noodle markets on Friday night, and met up with the very charming and thoroughly modern Colin. I had originally arranged to meet up with him straight after work on Friday and we were going to walk up to Hyde Park from there, however I realized that now I'm a step-father, I did have to go home first, feed and walk my Noodle, and then I could go to the Noodle Markets. So it was a somewhat late appearance by yours truly, and by that time, the queues for food were miles long! So, I thought 'stuff it' and just had a couple of glasses of wine instead! hic! It was a relaxing evening and after a few more drinks at one of his friend's birthday party in the Cross, I headed home via a less than salubrious fast food establishment! It always tastes soooo good at 10pm after a few drinks!

Anyway, Saturday was a more relaxed day, just Noodle and I really. I took her to a beach suggested by fellow blogger Mike. The beach is right next to the main runway at the airport so it was somewhat noisy, but Noodle loved it! She was a bit tentative at first, but once she had a small paddle in the shallows, she really got into it!

Today, I was determined to study study study however a friend messaged me with an invitation to the beach at 2:30pm and my resolved weakened seriously! It was so lovely and warm and the words were beginning to dissolve into one another and so I thought maybe a break was called for. And so a very pleasant couple of hours was spent soaking up the sun and chatting. Now, it's back to the grindstone. Noodle's been fed and walked and I'm about to get myself fed too and then, more delights of the Australian financial system, superannuation, post-retirement income streams and estate planning!

I certainly hope everyone has had a marvellous weekend!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Busy busy busy...

Yes, dear friends and readers, I've been flat out this week! Work has been full on (nice for a change) and so I've been exhausted when I get home every day! Not that it's the end of it for me...I'm a step-father now (to Noodle) and so once I get home, she needs to be fed and then walked so it's around 7:30pm by the time I can start making dinner etc. But we're beginning to settle down to a routine which is good.

I also agreed to go with my friend Jacqui to the movies on Wed night - we had free tickets to see "Brideshead Revisited" - a lush, beautiful movie, but thoroughly depressing. The musical score is excellent. Don't see it if you need a pick-me-up!

McBrad and I have talked a few times, despite the awful time difference, and whilst it's lovely to hear his voice, it also makes me miss him more!!! Only 10 days until he gets back however and I'm counting down every day!!! One thing I have noticed is that his Scottish accent has become much stronger since being there...I'm back to asking him to repeat every second word he says!

I did originally plan to take McBrad down to the beach house this weekend but of course, he's not here. I did think about taking Noodle down myself and having a quiet weekend, just chilling out, reading, eating, sleeping and gardening, however realized that I have an exam on Monday, and so it's head down, bum up studying all weekend! Grrrrroooan!

I was only thinking about McBrad the other night (now that's something unusual...ha ha) and how comfortable I feel in this relationship; more importantly, how secure I feel. I know that for the first couple of months, I was paranoid that it would end, that McBrad would turn up one day and dump all just seemed too perfect and easy. But now, it really feels like it's a real relationship, one that will last. I still keep pinching myself that I've snagged me such a gorgeous man of course. It was funny, the other night (Sat) when I met up with my mate Dan for a few beers, we were standing there making commentary on every guy that walked past - there were some serious shockers out there, some fairly average ones, and a few hotties. The hotties were hot, but there was NIL interest from me - I admired them, checked out their nice pecs, perky arses etc, but it felt more like artistic appreciation rather than the lustful looks that I would've had in the past, pre-McBrad. I think he's HOT HOT HOT, even though I know he doesn't have the best body on the block. But it doesn't matter to me, he soooo turns me on it's not funny. It's that absolutely fatal combination of physical lust AND emotional connection that makes what we have just magnificent!!!

Anyway, you knew I'd have to have include a McBrad commentary - I can't avoid it.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The week...

Well, what a week it's been! Not only a massively turbulent week for the global financial system (and the global economy) but also a very turbulent week for McBrad and myself. Obviously, as I've already posted, it's been a shocking week for my gorgeous man but thankfully, he's had so much support from his friends, both here and in the UK, (and I've gotta say, it was really lovely of you all to pass on your condolences and good wishes, via my blog, Facebook and sms) and so he's managed to get through the worst of it. The funeral was yesterday and he messaged me late last night to say that he was feeling better, albeit still very sad. So it's as good as can be expected.

As for my week, well, apart from the upheaval on Tuesday/Wednesday, it's been up and down. Thursday night I had a client event to attend. The Bank is the Principal Sponsor for Opera Australia and so the Bank and the Opera co-hosted the Opening Night of OA's production of My Fair Lady, starring the mighty fine British actor Richard E Grant. I took a couple of clients along and they loved it. I had a great time too. The production was fantastic and despite his lack of musical experience, Richard E Grant did a terrific job of Professor Henry Higgins. At half-time, it was a bit of rubber necking at the assorted celebrities which was rather fun, if a little juvenile! :-) Met up with fellow blogger James as well, which was an unexpected (and pleasant) surprise - the second time in less than a week - he certainly does get around! ;-) And the after-party with the cast at the Hilton was buckets of fun (and buckets of champagne too - hic). Didn't end up leaving until 1am which is probably not the best idea on a school night. Thankfully, we were officially sanctioned to be a little late and hungover, given that we spent the night with clients. I must say, the evening was a pleasant distraction after the previous couple of days events.

I've gotta say, I'm finding it really strange to be living at McBrad's without him actually being there. Poor Noodle still walks around, looking in vain for her daddy - she's missing him too. I think the worst thing is sleeping by myself in his gorgeous guy to snugggle up to at night, no good morning cuddle, no late night pillow chats. I miss his smile, I miss his conversation, I miss doing the mundane things with him. I just miss him.

One thing that I did do yesterday, to keep myself entertained, was to build a new garden for him. We talked about it last weekend as the back gardens have been ever so slightly neglected for the past 6 months. And so I had already decided to surprise him by doing a garden makeover on the smaller of his two gardens out in the back courtyard...originally he was going to be working yesterday (Saturday) and I was going to have it all done before he got home. Obviously, he's not here at all so the timeframe was a bit more relaxed. But I surprised myself by having it all done in a few hours. It looks sensational if I do say so myself. I do hope he likes it when he gets home.

Anyway, that's about it. A reasonably quiet weekend on the homefront - I went out for a few shandies last night with my mate Dan, and had brekkie with another friend Con this morning. My friend Jacqui is coming over tonight and we're going to have dinner and I'm going to show her a Pam Ann DVD which I've been raving about. So that's it. It's gorgeous weather at the moment, clear skies, buckets of sunshine and a light breeze. Perfect Sydney weather really! Hope everyone has had a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


My gorgeous man McBrad received some dreadful news yesterday lunch - his mum (in Scotland) passed away quite suddenly. Naturally, he was devastated and when he rang me to tell me, he was sobbing which just broke my heart. I rushed up to his work to see him, but all I could do was hold him. I took him home, but thankfully, the afternoon was full of activity as we had to get him booked on the next flight home, and get him prepared for that and to deal with his stuff here in Australia for the next couple of weeks, so there wasn't time for him to dwell on the news. I'm going to stay at his place and house sit, and puppy-sit as well so it's going to be a fairly busy time for me. Anyway, I put him on his plane this afternoon and bade a very sad farewell to him.

It's just such a hard thing - I feel so helpless in the face of his grief - but I was glad at least that I was there for him. It's going to be a long, lonely couple of weeks for me whilst he's over there so expect lots of folorn type posts to come.


Friday, October 03, 2008

Long weekend...

Well, it's Friday and it's a long weekend ahead...Monday being, ummm, Labour Day I think. Not sure what it is really, but frankly, who cares! It's a public holiday and that's all that matters.

It's been a lovely week - I feel even more in love with McBrad than ever. I seriously thought that the honeymoon would be over by now, but it isn't. :-) He's such a gorgeous human being, as well as being thoroughly HOT!

Anyway, this weekend, the Sleaze Ball is on (as well as a plethora of other man-friendly parties). I've always been fairly ambivalent to Sleaze, though I do confess to a certain degree of curiosity about it. It's always been a "I'll do it one day" kinda thing for me and I'm sure one of these days, I will actually attend. But until that time, I'll let everyone else enjoy it.

It was apparently 35 degrees Celcius if you ask me!!! Though unfortunately, the forecast is for it to be overcast and 25 degrees tomorrow and Sunday! Terrible! But still, we've got Monday off and I'm really looking forward to that. It's just going to be a lazy weekend with my gorgeous man and to be honest, that's all I need!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
