Our main client management system has been up and down for the past two days, and today is mostly down. This means that apart from emailing to clients, answering their general questions, I am unable to do anything. None of us can. It's highly frustrating, sitting here watching the work pile up and being unable to do a damn thing about it!
So what's a boy to do in circumstances like this? Go shopping of course. Unfortunately my heart wasn't in it and so I wandered aimlessly through menswear in David Jones', with nothing really grabbing my attention. It's C3's birthday on Thursday and so I've decided to buy him (among other things) a CD of Philippe Jaroussky - this was the magnificent countertenor that we saw (and heard) on Saturday night! Could I find it? NO!
How frustrating...went to several different stores, including those mega-stores which seem to have every CD except for the one you're looking for. Even the specialist classical CD stores didn't have them, but finally, one did say that they've ordered more in and should have them in by Friday! It's a day late, but still...
So, my shopping today has been fruitless. But at least it killed some time. I think I might go home because it's pointless sitting here!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
A Bloggers Meet...
We had our Sydney vs Melbourne Bloggers Meet on Sunday evening at the Tilbury and as has been mentioned in SG's blog, we flogged the pants off Melbourne! tee hee hee! Not that we are gloating or anything of course, but it doesn't come as any surprise that Sydney won pants down! (metaphorically speaking of course).
I must admit, I thoroughly enjoyed this Meet, even more so than the previous one in February. I got to meet lots more bloggers, and I'm in the process of adding more links to my blog roll as a consequence. It was also great that we had an international flavour with Dan and Stephen from London joining our little soiree and I hope to catch up with them in October when I'm in London...they may even attend the International Bloggers Meet that is happening then! It just depends on the timing, as they are getting CP'd on the 6th October which is rather exciting!
This week, my life is ridiculous! By 10pm Sunday, every night this week had been booked apart from last night (Monday) which is sacred - Monday nights are Monty Time! (and just as well, it was the Grand Finale of BB07 - sad as that sounds, I had to watch it) But the rest of this week is full and I'm now having to decline invitations which I hate doing!
I left a comment on Gay Banker's blog the other day in response to one of his comments and an email he had received. And I do think that what he said is quite true - it certainly seems to be happening to me at the moment. He effectively said that projecting a confident attitude will attract guys, and certainly, it seems to be happening to me. Over the past few weeks, I have felt much more confident, feeling less worried about finding Mr Right and instead, just enjoying what life is throwing at me. And I've never been more inundated with guys wanting to see me, whether first timers or repeat offenders! My experience at Stonewall on Friday night is testament to that. AND, now that I've started dating C3 (yes, I admit, I've decided to give it a go with him), I'm not particularly wanting to meet up with these guys.
Why is it the case...when it rains, it pours! Just when it all starts cranking up, I'm winding back! Oh the irony!
Anyway, I'm not complaining; I'm actually really enjoying myself at the moment. I'm going to see what happens with C3 without trying to think things through (like I usually do), without projecting too much into the future (like I usually do), but just take it one day at a time (like I usually don't). Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I must admit, I thoroughly enjoyed this Meet, even more so than the previous one in February. I got to meet lots more bloggers, and I'm in the process of adding more links to my blog roll as a consequence. It was also great that we had an international flavour with Dan and Stephen from London joining our little soiree and I hope to catch up with them in October when I'm in London...they may even attend the International Bloggers Meet that is happening then! It just depends on the timing, as they are getting CP'd on the 6th October which is rather exciting!
This week, my life is ridiculous! By 10pm Sunday, every night this week had been booked apart from last night (Monday) which is sacred - Monday nights are Monty Time! (and just as well, it was the Grand Finale of BB07 - sad as that sounds, I had to watch it) But the rest of this week is full and I'm now having to decline invitations which I hate doing!
I left a comment on Gay Banker's blog the other day in response to one of his comments and an email he had received. And I do think that what he said is quite true - it certainly seems to be happening to me at the moment. He effectively said that projecting a confident attitude will attract guys, and certainly, it seems to be happening to me. Over the past few weeks, I have felt much more confident, feeling less worried about finding Mr Right and instead, just enjoying what life is throwing at me. And I've never been more inundated with guys wanting to see me, whether first timers or repeat offenders! My experience at Stonewall on Friday night is testament to that. AND, now that I've started dating C3 (yes, I admit, I've decided to give it a go with him), I'm not particularly wanting to meet up with these guys.
Why is it the case...when it rains, it pours! Just when it all starts cranking up, I'm winding back! Oh the irony!
Anyway, I'm not complaining; I'm actually really enjoying myself at the moment. I'm going to see what happens with C3 without trying to think things through (like I usually do), without projecting too much into the future (like I usually do), but just take it one day at a time (like I usually don't). Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
It's good weekend number 6...
In one of my earlier blogs, Campbell left a message saying something to the effect of 'I hope your good weekends exceed the number of wives of Henry VIII' - well, it's now good weekend number 6 (in a row) so I've now equalled Henry's spouses! Thankfully, my weekends haven't turned out as tragically as many of his wives did! In fact, they've all been pretty damn sensational!
Friday 27 July 2007 was a significant day for me as I acheived a significant milestone with my employer and so to celebrate, the Bank threw a cocktail party for me and 30 or so of my nearest and dearest work colleagues in our reception rooms! It was a great night, the alcohol flowed very freely (as it generally does when one's employer is footing the bill), the canapes were delicious and represented most types of dead animal (sorry to all the vego's out there) - pheasant, quail, venison, veal, chicken, prawns, you get my drift. Yummmmo! There was a couple of (thankfully) brief speeches and a presentation to me of some lovely flowers and my present - a new DSLR camera which we had gone shopping for that afternoon. The Bank coughed up $1,000 for whatever I wanted and as the camera cost nearly double that, I coughed up with the rest. So I'm thoroughly chuffed that I've now got a fabulous camera to take overseas with me.
Needless to say, all the stuff stayed at work while we partied on...we went to the Argyle in the Rocks and I must say, it's a great bar! Haven't been there before and I was impressed. Lots of hot guys there too...unfortunately, they were with their girlfriends! Bugger! Anyway, the party kinda broke up around 11.30pm or so - most had significant others to go home to - and I was a bit at a loose end. I was tempted to go home, as I was very tired but one of my friends had texted me earlier in the evening remarking on the number of hot guys he saw at the Flinders. This had got me thinking about heading OUT on the scene rather than going home. And so, as the party was winding up I thought 'Fuck it, I'm going to do it'! I wasn't particularly drunk, I had been drinking fairly steadily over the course of the evening, enough just to keep the buzz happening, and I was over the fear that I have of going alone to a gay bar. If any have read my first ever post on this blog when I went into a gay bar in Berlin, you'll understand what I mean. For crying out loud, I'm 36 years old, surely I can walk into a bar, get a drink and see what happens. And so, I did. I went to the Stonewall, as I've been there twice before and felt reasonably comfortable there. Walked in, got my beer, and stood back and watched. Within a couple of minutes, a young'ish guy (late 20's I suppose) approached me and started chatting, and then suggested going back to his place. He was lovely, but I declined. He wandered off and then a couple, probably late 30's both of them, good looking, came up to me and started chatting. It came out that they also live on the North Shore and we had a lovely chat. They left, and another guy who looked around my age, nicely trimmed beard, started chatting to me. I was blown away by this stage that I had not had to stand there by myself for more than a couple of minutes at any given time. And this was all over the course of me drinking one beer! So, it was a great confidence booster for me - I was pretty damn chuffed with myself just for having done it, having gone to a gay bar in Sydney alone without the support of friends - and here I actually seemed to be reasonably successful in attracting guys without having to really do anything but stand there! So I had a great night!
Last night, I went on date number 2 with C3. We met at Bar 333 on George St and he'd purchased a bottle of champers for us to drink, which of course we did. I had booked tickets to see the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra as they had performing with them a sensational countertenor, Frenchman Philippe Jaroussky. I had heard him on ABC ClassicFM the previous week and they had mentioned that he was performing in Sydney for this week only. On our first date last Saturday, C3 mentioned his love of opera and so I thought this would be the perfect way to spend out second date. It was. Philippe has the voice of an angel, gives you goosebumps, and the Baroque period of music has always been my favourite so it was just AWESOME! C3 loved it too and so the night was off to a great start!
Afterwards, we needed some dinner and so I suggested coming home and ordering some home delivery - my mind was more on snuggling with this hot guy than sitting in some restaurant making conversation. He readily accepted my offer and so we did. I just find it so much more relaxing snuggling on the couch and talking; I think I'm much more open and willing to discuss more personal subjects. We ordered Thai from my favourite restaurant and it was delivered pronto and was delicious! Opened a bottle of Chardy from Silo's, a great vineyard just south of Berry, and the rest of the evening just flew by. C3 is a great snuggler, both on the couch and in bed and I must say, I'm a HUGE fan of snuggling. HUGE!
We had brunch at about 12:30 today and I took him home. Who knows how this will progress - I certainly like him, he definitely likes me, the conversation flows easily and naturally, he's emotionally generous. I think we're both in the same space in terms of expectations - we're both happy to let things happen without projecting forward too much. Whatever the case, it was a wonderful evening spent in the company of a great guy - one of the best dates I've had.
And now, I'm about to get ready and wander in to meet my fellow Sydney bloggers at the Tilbury, so it should be a good evening.
Hope you've all had great weekends too!
Friday 27 July 2007 was a significant day for me as I acheived a significant milestone with my employer and so to celebrate, the Bank threw a cocktail party for me and 30 or so of my nearest and dearest work colleagues in our reception rooms! It was a great night, the alcohol flowed very freely (as it generally does when one's employer is footing the bill), the canapes were delicious and represented most types of dead animal (sorry to all the vego's out there) - pheasant, quail, venison, veal, chicken, prawns, you get my drift. Yummmmo! There was a couple of (thankfully) brief speeches and a presentation to me of some lovely flowers and my present - a new DSLR camera which we had gone shopping for that afternoon. The Bank coughed up $1,000 for whatever I wanted and as the camera cost nearly double that, I coughed up with the rest. So I'm thoroughly chuffed that I've now got a fabulous camera to take overseas with me.
Needless to say, all the stuff stayed at work while we partied on...we went to the Argyle in the Rocks and I must say, it's a great bar! Haven't been there before and I was impressed. Lots of hot guys there too...unfortunately, they were with their girlfriends! Bugger! Anyway, the party kinda broke up around 11.30pm or so - most had significant others to go home to - and I was a bit at a loose end. I was tempted to go home, as I was very tired but one of my friends had texted me earlier in the evening remarking on the number of hot guys he saw at the Flinders. This had got me thinking about heading OUT on the scene rather than going home. And so, as the party was winding up I thought 'Fuck it, I'm going to do it'! I wasn't particularly drunk, I had been drinking fairly steadily over the course of the evening, enough just to keep the buzz happening, and I was over the fear that I have of going alone to a gay bar. If any have read my first ever post on this blog when I went into a gay bar in Berlin, you'll understand what I mean. For crying out loud, I'm 36 years old, surely I can walk into a bar, get a drink and see what happens. And so, I did. I went to the Stonewall, as I've been there twice before and felt reasonably comfortable there. Walked in, got my beer, and stood back and watched. Within a couple of minutes, a young'ish guy (late 20's I suppose) approached me and started chatting, and then suggested going back to his place. He was lovely, but I declined. He wandered off and then a couple, probably late 30's both of them, good looking, came up to me and started chatting. It came out that they also live on the North Shore and we had a lovely chat. They left, and another guy who looked around my age, nicely trimmed beard, started chatting to me. I was blown away by this stage that I had not had to stand there by myself for more than a couple of minutes at any given time. And this was all over the course of me drinking one beer! So, it was a great confidence booster for me - I was pretty damn chuffed with myself just for having done it, having gone to a gay bar in Sydney alone without the support of friends - and here I actually seemed to be reasonably successful in attracting guys without having to really do anything but stand there! So I had a great night!
Last night, I went on date number 2 with C3. We met at Bar 333 on George St and he'd purchased a bottle of champers for us to drink, which of course we did. I had booked tickets to see the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra as they had performing with them a sensational countertenor, Frenchman Philippe Jaroussky. I had heard him on ABC ClassicFM the previous week and they had mentioned that he was performing in Sydney for this week only. On our first date last Saturday, C3 mentioned his love of opera and so I thought this would be the perfect way to spend out second date. It was. Philippe has the voice of an angel, gives you goosebumps, and the Baroque period of music has always been my favourite so it was just AWESOME! C3 loved it too and so the night was off to a great start!
Afterwards, we needed some dinner and so I suggested coming home and ordering some home delivery - my mind was more on snuggling with this hot guy than sitting in some restaurant making conversation. He readily accepted my offer and so we did. I just find it so much more relaxing snuggling on the couch and talking; I think I'm much more open and willing to discuss more personal subjects. We ordered Thai from my favourite restaurant and it was delivered pronto and was delicious! Opened a bottle of Chardy from Silo's, a great vineyard just south of Berry, and the rest of the evening just flew by. C3 is a great snuggler, both on the couch and in bed and I must say, I'm a HUGE fan of snuggling. HUGE!
We had brunch at about 12:30 today and I took him home. Who knows how this will progress - I certainly like him, he definitely likes me, the conversation flows easily and naturally, he's emotionally generous. I think we're both in the same space in terms of expectations - we're both happy to let things happen without projecting forward too much. Whatever the case, it was a wonderful evening spent in the company of a great guy - one of the best dates I've had.
And now, I'm about to get ready and wander in to meet my fellow Sydney bloggers at the Tilbury, so it should be a good evening.
Hope you've all had great weekends too!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Well, it's Pink Shirt Thursday and as I was searching through my old 80's pics for a suitable pic to post for Muzbot's challenge, I came across this one...and I thought it would be very appropriate for a PST post - a family in pink. This is a bit daunting actually, as I've not posted any pics of my family before. But, here it is, in all it's grainy glory! 

Monty, of course, is the 13 yr old (it's 1984) in his pink t-shirt, mum in the middle (now bet you didn't guess that...ha ha) in her pink striped shorts, and my older brother Mark (the gay one in London) in all his hot pink glory as a 16 yr old. Hmmmm, wonder if our, errrr, leanings were being unwittingly manifested, even at that early age.
The 80's flashback challenge...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Many gay guys seem to bag Gaydar but tonight really reinforced to me how great Gaydar has been to me. I received a postcard from my friend Englishman In Budapest tonight when I got home. Not a big deal, but I was pretty excited. He's an English Lit teacher working for an English college in Budapest and so at the moment, is on holidays. He's been in the UK for the past 4 weeks catching up with his family and friends and so, as a consequence, our weekly Sunday night chats have not been happening. And to be honest, Sunday nights have just dragged for me since I haven't been chatting to him. It is always a highlight of my week to talk to him - we always have a laugh, he's always full of good advice, and it's just a great couple of hours spent in the company of a good friend. I met him through Gaydar last year before I went overseas. I messaged him because I thought it'd be great to meet up with someone who lives there and has a bit of local knowledge. He's now a really great friend and so upon receiving his postcard tonight, I rang him. It was so good to chat to him after having not done so for the last month - a most unexpected but fantastic bonus to my otherwise pretty dull Tuesday!
Matt, my friend from London who stayed with me last month. Met him through Gaydar...same kind of deal as EIB - I knew I was going to be in London and so I had a look at the London boys and his profile jumped out at me because he lived just around the corner from my brother Mark (and his pics were pretty damn cute). And now, he's a good friend with whom I keep in regular contact.
My great mate Evan I also first contacted via Gaydar...we met up for the first time at Mardi Gras at 3:30am outside the Gaydar tent! We now email each other pretty much on a daily basis, generally talk at least once or twice a week, and try to meet up for dinner and a chat once a week too.
There are heaps more guys that I have met through Gaydar who I would now consider friends. Yes, I haven't met Mr Right through Gaydar, but hey, I've made lots of friends. It's not the be all and end all in terms of meeting guys, but it's certainly one way to do it. You do need to keep it in perspective and be realistic in your expectations - I've certainly learned that over the past year - but if you do, it can be a great tool.
Matt, my friend from London who stayed with me last month. Met him through Gaydar...same kind of deal as EIB - I knew I was going to be in London and so I had a look at the London boys and his profile jumped out at me because he lived just around the corner from my brother Mark (and his pics were pretty damn cute). And now, he's a good friend with whom I keep in regular contact.
My great mate Evan I also first contacted via Gaydar...we met up for the first time at Mardi Gras at 3:30am outside the Gaydar tent! We now email each other pretty much on a daily basis, generally talk at least once or twice a week, and try to meet up for dinner and a chat once a week too.
There are heaps more guys that I have met through Gaydar who I would now consider friends. Yes, I haven't met Mr Right through Gaydar, but hey, I've made lots of friends. It's not the be all and end all in terms of meeting guys, but it's certainly one way to do it. You do need to keep it in perspective and be realistic in your expectations - I've certainly learned that over the past year - but if you do, it can be a great tool.
Less is more...
OK, it's getting into week 3 of my unshaven state and it's starting to be a little irritating. PLUS, it's really looking scruffy - I'm walking down the street in my suit and I look like a well dressed homeless person! I have always had a very defined jaw and I'm losing it with this beard...the edges have softened and I'm not a fan. I've also had a couple of people here at work comment that the growth is making me look "more mature" - what the...? Not liking that!
So, after much thought, I'm going to go home and get my clippers out and trim it. I'm not ditching it; I just think it looks better as a "designer stubble" than its current state. I've been checking out all the other guys in the city who do have facial hair and it seems that the closely trimmed beard thing is the way to go. And I think it suits me more. Will post a pic on PST - though to be honest, I think it will look like my last pic which was when it was at its "designer stubble" phase.
So, after much thought, I'm going to go home and get my clippers out and trim it. I'm not ditching it; I just think it looks better as a "designer stubble" than its current state. I've been checking out all the other guys in the city who do have facial hair and it seems that the closely trimmed beard thing is the way to go. And I think it suits me more. Will post a pic on PST - though to be honest, I think it will look like my last pic which was when it was at its "designer stubble" phase.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Monty's Miscellaneous Musings...
Lots of little stuff really, nothing of any dramatic importance, so don't get too excited.
I'm in a rather strange mood today...not sure why. I borrowed the Pet Shop Boys DVD Pop Art off McDreamy on Friday and seeing as how it was a bit cold and overcast this morning, watched 40 of their videos from their very first one (East End Girls) to their quite recent ones (London, Home and Dry etc). I'm not normally a guy who watches TV or DVD's during the day, I always feel like I'm wasting the day do so. However, today I made an exception for the Boys. They are an incredibly talented duo and all of their videos are such pieces of art! It's amazing how long they have been going for and the fact that they can still be relevant! The lyrics in some of the songs just get me - I love that when a song just speaks to you and so many of theirs do!
I also went on a date last night - a Californian guy (which we - Jacqui, James and myself - call C3. This distinguishes him from The Original Californian - The OC - and another Californian that I had a couple of dates with back in March - NewC). So I met C3 at the Newtown Hotel for a couple of drinks and I've not actually been to the Newtown on a Saturday night...they play sensational music...all very gay, very daggy, very awesome pop! Felt relaxed with him straight away and the conversation was very easy. Found a little pizza place and had dinner with a lovely bottle of Brown Brothers Tarango. Dessert...well, let's just say that we went back to his place and I was it! ;-) OK, OK, I know, how very slutty of me on a first date, but hey, it's been 3 whole weeks since my last shag...it was killing me! It was a lovely night and C3 is a really great guy. He wants to see me again, and I wouldn't mind seeing him either, so we'll probably go out next Saturday night. He's just texted me and told me to keep August 2 free. He then texted me to say "Hope you're not afraid of heights"...what the...? Now I'm intrigued! For the record, I'm not afraid of heights, but the mind boggles as to what he's got planned! Watch this space for the report!
It's funny, I've started dating again...much less intensely than I was over summer of course...but I'm feeling a bit ambivalent about it all. I had a date on Monday night with a cute redhead and I enjoyed it, he was a good conversationalist, works for my favourite store (David Jones') and seems like a genuine guy. But I'm like...pfft! Even with C3, although he's very eager to see me again, and I'd like to as well, I'm still not feeling the intensity that he is. I suppose over the last month or so, I've been focussed on my friends, in particular Evan, McDreamy and Muzbot (and James and Jacqui of course, see them every day at work) and on building and reinforcing our friendships. And so dating has certainly been taking a back seat - more just an add-on than a major part of my life. I suppose after the experiences of May/June, I've become a little bit more cautious about throwing myself into a romance, of opening myself up to a guy I've just met, and retreated, to a degree, to the safety of friends. At the moment, I'm finding it much more rewarding emotionally to be with my friends and I've certainly done some serious opening up to them, which has been wonderful. They've been incredibly understanding and also proved themselves invaluable sources of information and advice. I started coming out just on a year ago now, but in many ways still feel new at this. I'm very comfortable with being gay, let me hasten to add, but there's still so much stuff that I don't know and so sometimes I feel a little bit of an amateur. Dunno, I'm probably just waffling here. :-) Let's move on shall we...
At the moment, I'm just waiting for James and Jacqui to finish their lunch and hopefully motivate themselves to accompany me to the Coffee and Chocolate Festival at the Rocks. I think these are probably the only things capable of warming me up on a day like this. (Well, naturally, a HOT guy would do the trick quite satisfactorily)
Hope everyone has had a great weekend!
I'm in a rather strange mood today...not sure why. I borrowed the Pet Shop Boys DVD Pop Art off McDreamy on Friday and seeing as how it was a bit cold and overcast this morning, watched 40 of their videos from their very first one (East End Girls) to their quite recent ones (London, Home and Dry etc). I'm not normally a guy who watches TV or DVD's during the day, I always feel like I'm wasting the day do so. However, today I made an exception for the Boys. They are an incredibly talented duo and all of their videos are such pieces of art! It's amazing how long they have been going for and the fact that they can still be relevant! The lyrics in some of the songs just get me - I love that when a song just speaks to you and so many of theirs do!
I also went on a date last night - a Californian guy (which we - Jacqui, James and myself - call C3. This distinguishes him from The Original Californian - The OC - and another Californian that I had a couple of dates with back in March - NewC). So I met C3 at the Newtown Hotel for a couple of drinks and I've not actually been to the Newtown on a Saturday night...they play sensational music...all very gay, very daggy, very awesome pop! Felt relaxed with him straight away and the conversation was very easy. Found a little pizza place and had dinner with a lovely bottle of Brown Brothers Tarango. Dessert...well, let's just say that we went back to his place and I was it! ;-) OK, OK, I know, how very slutty of me on a first date, but hey, it's been 3 whole weeks since my last shag...it was killing me! It was a lovely night and C3 is a really great guy. He wants to see me again, and I wouldn't mind seeing him either, so we'll probably go out next Saturday night. He's just texted me and told me to keep August 2 free. He then texted me to say "Hope you're not afraid of heights"...what the...? Now I'm intrigued! For the record, I'm not afraid of heights, but the mind boggles as to what he's got planned! Watch this space for the report!
It's funny, I've started dating again...much less intensely than I was over summer of course...but I'm feeling a bit ambivalent about it all. I had a date on Monday night with a cute redhead and I enjoyed it, he was a good conversationalist, works for my favourite store (David Jones') and seems like a genuine guy. But I'm like...pfft! Even with C3, although he's very eager to see me again, and I'd like to as well, I'm still not feeling the intensity that he is. I suppose over the last month or so, I've been focussed on my friends, in particular Evan, McDreamy and Muzbot (and James and Jacqui of course, see them every day at work) and on building and reinforcing our friendships. And so dating has certainly been taking a back seat - more just an add-on than a major part of my life. I suppose after the experiences of May/June, I've become a little bit more cautious about throwing myself into a romance, of opening myself up to a guy I've just met, and retreated, to a degree, to the safety of friends. At the moment, I'm finding it much more rewarding emotionally to be with my friends and I've certainly done some serious opening up to them, which has been wonderful. They've been incredibly understanding and also proved themselves invaluable sources of information and advice. I started coming out just on a year ago now, but in many ways still feel new at this. I'm very comfortable with being gay, let me hasten to add, but there's still so much stuff that I don't know and so sometimes I feel a little bit of an amateur. Dunno, I'm probably just waffling here. :-) Let's move on shall we...
At the moment, I'm just waiting for James and Jacqui to finish their lunch and hopefully motivate themselves to accompany me to the Coffee and Chocolate Festival at the Rocks. I think these are probably the only things capable of warming me up on a day like this. (Well, naturally, a HOT guy would do the trick quite satisfactorily)
Hope everyone has had a great weekend!
Friday, July 20, 2007
The end of the week...
It's now 5.05pm Friday and I've had the laziest day! I took the day off as a reward for having such a hard June (and as it turns out July too). Dragged myself out of my toasty warm bed around 10.30am this morning, really wanting a coffee. But alas, I realized that I had an official doctor's appointment with McDreamy and he had told me not to eat or drink anything except water! arghhhhhh! Monty without his morning espresso makes for a very dopey man! Anyway, eventually made the trek across the city to "the Shire" where McDreamy practises his medicine, 15 mins late for my appointment. Thankfully, I was his last patient and so he was pretty chilled out about it. I jumped up on the couch, he sucked the blood outa me (which I did not watch, otherwise it would have been all over red rover for Monty) whilst chatting to me, trying (mostly sucessfully) to distract me. That over, we headed off to Cronulla for a yummy lunch overlooking the windswept beach and churning, crashing waves (and the spunky waiter was also most pleasant eye candy). Checked out his new love nest which is well, in need of the attentions of an interior designer...oh, that's right, Evan is one! he he! Actually, I do have to say, he only moved yesterday so he's still got lots of unpacking and sorting and tidying up to do, but once it is done, it'll look great! Look forward to many a weekend hanging out there with he and Evan (yes McDreamy, that's a hint for an invitation). :-)
Tonight, I'm hibernating at home sans alcohol. I had planned on reducing my alcohol intake this week, after the battering that my liver got last week, however things didn't quite go according to plan. Monday night, 4 glasses of wine and a beer with a rather cute redhead; Tuesday 3 glasses of wine at work at the end of the day; Wednesday night, 4 beers and a couple of vodkas (rather strong ones too) with my mate Muzbot; and last night, I attended my first ever Fruits in Suits gathering at Slide where I consumed another 5 or 6 glasses of wine (my memory is a little hazy on the specific number). So, tonight, dinner with a non-alcoholic beverage, a couple of dvd's, and it's off to bed for Monty! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Tonight, I'm hibernating at home sans alcohol. I had planned on reducing my alcohol intake this week, after the battering that my liver got last week, however things didn't quite go according to plan. Monday night, 4 glasses of wine and a beer with a rather cute redhead; Tuesday 3 glasses of wine at work at the end of the day; Wednesday night, 4 beers and a couple of vodkas (rather strong ones too) with my mate Muzbot; and last night, I attended my first ever Fruits in Suits gathering at Slide where I consumed another 5 or 6 glasses of wine (my memory is a little hazy on the specific number). So, tonight, dinner with a non-alcoholic beverage, a couple of dvd's, and it's off to bed for Monty! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Bloggers Meet...
As some of you may not have read the announcement on Not So Single Guy's blog, there is a Sydney Bloggers Meet happening next Sunday, 29 July at the Tilbury Hotel in Woolloomoolloo from 5pm. It's also happening in Melbourne that day, so we Sydneysiders have to turn up in force so that we outnumber the Victorians little meetup.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Due to popular demand...
Picture quality is less than satisfactory - hate those pictures-in-the-mirror jobs but hey!
So much for maintaining my anonymity! ha ha!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Monty's going hairy...
Well, relatively anyway! That's right, I've decided to grow myself some facial hair. It's a week old now and quite dark, except for my upper lip where it's mostly blonde (strange mix). It's moved from being prickly to being kinda soft and it's kinda growing on me...I think. My very straight, but very metrosexual boss (married with two, NOT, I hasten to add, as if that any guarantee of anything - GIL and TomCat of Bondi can attest to that fact) says it looks great on me and my other colleagues and friends have reacted more with surprise - I've never really gone more than a couple of days without shaving.
But I'm actually liking this...not sure how it's going to impact on my love/dating life but hey, it's all about personality aint it! ha ha ha! I will actually take a photo and post it for your comments (hmmm, actually,dare I expose myself to the possibility of vilification or mockery???) - please be kind! :-)
Other than that, life at the moment is at full throttle!!! Work was supposed to die down after 30 June and instead, it's just got busier!!!! ARGHHHHHHH! Add the dating stuff this week (INSANE but I'm thinking of doing more postponing because I just can't keep up...I'm getting tooooo tired) and I'm just all over the place. Thank goodness I had the lovely relaxing weekend with Evan and McDreamy otherwise I would be out of my mind with stress!
But I'm actually liking this...not sure how it's going to impact on my love/dating life but hey, it's all about personality aint it! ha ha ha! I will actually take a photo and post it for your comments (hmmm, actually,dare I expose myself to the possibility of vilification or mockery???) - please be kind! :-)
Other than that, life at the moment is at full throttle!!! Work was supposed to die down after 30 June and instead, it's just got busier!!!! ARGHHHHHHH! Add the dating stuff this week (INSANE but I'm thinking of doing more postponing because I just can't keep up...I'm getting tooooo tired) and I'm just all over the place. Thank goodness I had the lovely relaxing weekend with Evan and McDreamy otherwise I would be out of my mind with stress!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
A Weekend at Casa Del Monty...
Well, what a weekend! In fact, Good Weekend No 4 for your correspondent! 'twas a weekend full of gay moments, but also just full of good friends, plenty of laughs, lots of alcohol, and of course, much food!
As I mentioned in my previous post, it was just myself, Evan and McDreamy and we drove down in McDreamy's brand spanking new Graphite Toyota Corolla! In fact, he hadn't even filled the petrol tank it was so new! A pleasant drive down, ably helped by a SENSATIONAL soundtrack on McDreamy's ipod! The guy's taste in music is, well, excellent (mainly because it so closely reflects my taste in music) and so we were all singing along on the way down.
Once we arrived, the champagne corks were popping and we were starting to relax. In fact, we got so relaxed that we consumed 6 bottles of wine between us that night! My poor liver has had a tough few days, with Wednesday night's festivities, Thursday night's drinks with Muz, and the weekend just gone - think I will have to take pity on it and drink water for the next week...well, maybe the next day or so! he he he!
Saturday dawned sparkling with the promise of sunshine, blue skies and more fun! And it more than fulfilled the promise! The surf was cranking, the paparazzi were buzzing around McDreamy (well, Evan and me anyway) and come beer o'clock, the Rose was sliding down our collective throats rather well. One game of Upwords later, with me celebrating a mighty victory, the parrots started circling. It was around 3pm and by that stage, the Rose had hit all of us - and so, whilst feeding the birds, McDreamy got a Christ-complex with a twist. Picture this, McDreamy standing, arms outstretched with the birds feeding from his upturned palms, Superman singlet, Ugg boots, and very little else! Yes, that's right folks, you've heard it here first...fresh from scaring the fish in the Kimberlies with his naked underwater antics, McDreamy decided it was time to move on to the birdlife of the Shoalhaven! Though, to be honest, they didn't seem that scared...I think he was more than a little worried when they started sitting on the BBQ which was just at crotch height...methinks he was concerned his pecker might get a little pecked! Fortunately, no lasting injuries were sustained, except maybe for Evan's and my sides from splitting with laughter!
As I mentioned in my previous post, it was just myself, Evan and McDreamy and we drove down in McDreamy's brand spanking new Graphite Toyota Corolla! In fact, he hadn't even filled the petrol tank it was so new! A pleasant drive down, ably helped by a SENSATIONAL soundtrack on McDreamy's ipod! The guy's taste in music is, well, excellent (mainly because it so closely reflects my taste in music) and so we were all singing along on the way down.
Once we arrived, the champagne corks were popping and we were starting to relax. In fact, we got so relaxed that we consumed 6 bottles of wine between us that night! My poor liver has had a tough few days, with Wednesday night's festivities, Thursday night's drinks with Muz, and the weekend just gone - think I will have to take pity on it and drink water for the next week...well, maybe the next day or so! he he he!
McDreamy also was celebrating some recent academic acheivements and brought his Pink Moet for us to consume, in of course, the gayest pink lily glasses! Thankfully, by this time, McDreamy had put his pants back on and we could much more enjoy the moment!
Dinner Saturday night was Monty's Famous Beer-up-the-bum Chicken, and another magnificent effort if I do say so myself! I love making it on weekends away, it's just so easy to do, and yummmmmy!
Sunday morning I was laying in that delicious somnolent state that you do at 9am, snug under my blankets, the sun streaming in, when, from the other bedroom, orgasmic groaning erupted...groaning worthy of the best porn DVD you've ever seen! Oh my! What was I to do??? So, I jumped in the shower, and hoped it would all be over by the time I got out. Thankfully, it was and the boys were up and busy assuring me that it was merely McDreamy doing his best porn star impersonation! Oh, and writing messages in the condensation on their window with his ummm, pecker! That guy can get very creative sometimes! Hilarious!
We drove back this arvo and I must say, what a splendid weekend! The weather was perfect, the company was even better! I got to chat one on one with both of them (seperately) which was excellent! I think I certainly got to know them better, we got to relax big time and they had their first entire weekend together! So it was good all round! Thanks guys! Can't wait for next time!
Friday, July 13, 2007
It's Friday already...
It's now 1pm Friday and I've left work for the day! Yay! I've left early so that we can get a headstart on the traffic and hopefully make good time down to the beach house. I really need this weekend away, and having Evan and McDreamy along is fantastic! Should be lots and lots of fun, plus I hope lots of sleeping in!
It's been an interesting week...inspired by one of my friends, I had organized a couple of dates, one for Wednesday night and one for Thursday night! I realized on Tuesday that I already had a dinner with friends arranged for Wednesday night, so had to postpone that date (with The Doctor) until next week. Wednesday night's dinner was rather large...lots of freeflowing wine (rather good wine too!) meant that Monty was a little worse for wear Thursday. Hence, I postponed the Thursday guy until next week too. The thing I'm a little trepidacious about is I've already booked a couple of dates next week, and now with this week's boys put back until next week, I'm kinda running out of available nights! argggghhhhhhh! Monty will be a busy boy next week methinks!
This actually worked out quite well, because I ended up catching up with Muzbot for dinner last night instead, and as always, it was a great night. You learn so much about a person when you are talking one on one, and I certainly think we've moved on from the "polite conversation" phase of our friendship! lol
So, the weekend is ahead and I'm excited. Hope everyone else has a good one too!
It's been an interesting week...inspired by one of my friends, I had organized a couple of dates, one for Wednesday night and one for Thursday night! I realized on Tuesday that I already had a dinner with friends arranged for Wednesday night, so had to postpone that date (with The Doctor) until next week. Wednesday night's dinner was rather large...lots of freeflowing wine (rather good wine too!) meant that Monty was a little worse for wear Thursday. Hence, I postponed the Thursday guy until next week too. The thing I'm a little trepidacious about is I've already booked a couple of dates next week, and now with this week's boys put back until next week, I'm kinda running out of available nights! argggghhhhhhh! Monty will be a busy boy next week methinks!
This actually worked out quite well, because I ended up catching up with Muzbot for dinner last night instead, and as always, it was a great night. You learn so much about a person when you are talking one on one, and I certainly think we've moved on from the "polite conversation" phase of our friendship! lol
So, the weekend is ahead and I'm excited. Hope everyone else has a good one too!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Another meme...
Objective: What you have to do is copy this whole thing in your blog, and bold the sentences which describe things you have done. Copied this off Muzbot's blog and going through his, I've realized that I've led a sheltered life! I've not done half the things that he (or McDreamy) has! I think I shall have to rectify!!! Only 62 / 130 (I'm so ashamed...)
- Bought everyone in the bar a drink
- Swam with wild dolphins
- Climbed a mountain (does Cradle Mountain count?)
- Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
- Been inside the Great Pyramid
- Held a tarantula
- Taken a candlelit bath with someone (see my blog about the American in Prague)
- Said "I love you" and meant it (sigh)
- Hugged a tree
- Bungee jumped
- Visited Paris (and I'm going back in October)
- Watched a lightning storm at sea (whilst sitting on Maroubra Beach with some friends)
- Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise (celebrating a friend's wedding)
- Seen the Northern Lights
- Gone to a huge sports game (nothing beats a live State of Origin game!)
- Grown and eaten your own vegetables (did it all the time as kids)
- Touched an iceberg
- Slept under the stars (it's sensational)
- Changed a baby's diaper (leave that to the brother and sister in law to do)
- Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
- Watched a meteor shower (it was in the Hunter Valley)
- Gotten drunk on champagne ( hmm, I think I do that on a weekly basis! lol)
- Given more than you can afford to charity
- Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
- Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
- Had a food fight (with chocolate sauce, yummy to lick off)
- Bet on a winning horse (ummm, I've never actually bet)
- Asked out a stranger
- Had a snowball fight
- Screamed as loudly as you possibly can (in the middle of nowhere - quite literally. A very liberating and exhillarating experience)
- Held a lamb
- Seen a total eclipse of the moon
- Ridden a roller coaster (love 'em)
- Hit a home run
- Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking (umm, pretty much every time I dance!)
- Adopted an accent for an entire day
- Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
- Had two hard drives for your computer (how does one know this???)
- Taken care of someone who was drunk (though usually, the shoe is on the other foot)
- Had amazing friends (what do you mean, HAD? I HAVE amazing friends! See previous posts about my last few weekends)
- Danced with a stranger in a foreign country (Does the "horizontal dance" count?)
- Watched wild whales (Great Ocean Road...fantastic)
- Stolen a sign (I'm a very law abiding citizen)
- Taken a road-trip (You betcha!!!)
- Gone rock climbing
- Midnight walk on the beach (I love a deserted, moonlit beach)
- Gone sky diving
- Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love (see some recent posts about Monty and his overreaction to a very minor infactuation)
- In restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them
- Milked a cow
- Alphabetized your CDs (I'm soooooo with Muzbot in this respect)
- Pretended to be a superhero
- Sung karaoke (and was I fabulous or what!!!)
- Lounged around in bed all day (terribly wasteful, but fun fun fun)
- Played touch football (I'm a great winger!)
- Gone scuba diving
- Kissed in the rain (sounds lovely, one I have to try)
- Played in the mud (absolutely)
- Played in the rain (highly fun!)
- Gone to a drive-in theatre (did it all the time when I was a teenager)
- Started a business
- Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
- Toured ancient sites (my overseas holiday last year)
- Taken a martial arts class
- Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
- Been in a movie
- Crashed a party (ahhh, my Brisbane days)
- Gone without food for 5 days
- Made cookies from scratch (I've done lots of cooking from scratch actually)
- Won first prize in a costume contest
- Ridden a gondola in Venice
- Gotten a tattoo
- Been on television news programs as an "expert"
- Got flowers for no reason (see one of my previous posts)
- Performed on stage
- Recorded music (for my Year 10 Music assignment - I got a Very High)
- Eaten shark
- Kissed on the first date (see Monty's Slutty Phase)
- Bought a house
- Been in a combat zone
- Buried one/both of your parents
- Been on a cruise ship
- Spoken more than one language fluently
- Performed in Rocky Horror (on ice!)
- Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
- Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
- Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
- Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking. (once you start, you can't stop)
- Had plastic surgery
- Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived
- Wrote articles for a large publication
- Lost over 100 pounds (if we are talking about the currency of the UK, yes)
- Held someone while they were having a flashback
- Piloted an airplane
- Touched a stingray
- Broken someone's heart
- Helped an animal give birth
- Won money on a TV game show
- Broken a bone (I haven't even been in hospital yet)
- Had a facial part pierced other than your ears
- Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
- Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
- Ridden a horse (love it!)
- Had major surgery
- Had a snake as a pet
- Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
- Visited all 7 continents
- Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
- Eaten kangaroo meat
- Eaten sushi
- Had your picture in the newspaper
- Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about
- Gone back to school
- Parasailed
- Touched a cockroach
- Eaten fried green tomatoes
- Read The Iliad
- Killed and prepared an animal for eating
- Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
- Been elected to public office
- Written your own computer language
- Had to put someone you love into hospice care
- Built your own PC from parts
- Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
- Had a booth at a street fair
- Dyed your hair
- Been a DJ
- Shaved your head
- Caused a car accident
- Saved someone’s life
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
A "Perfect Man" meme...
A "Perfect Man" Meme...
I was thinking about Muzbot's post a week or two ago, about his desire to find the "perfect" man for him...and so I started analysing what kind of man I am looking for. And so, I've created my very first meme. Naturally, I'm quite cognizant of the fact that this is an "ideal" - I've experienced enough in meeting guys to know that chemistry seems to ignore our preconceived ideas...but anyway, here goes...Monty's Mr Right...
1. Non-smoker
2. Preferably my height or taller (5'9"+)
3. Preferably around my age or a little bit older...35 - 45'ish
4. A nice furrrrry chest (mmmmmmm)
5. Someone who is more built than I (I have a slim build)
That's about it in physical characteristics....now the interesting stuff...
5. A guy that is not defined by his sexuality ie the only reason he's gay is the fact that he likes sleeping with other guys
6. Someone confident within himself (confidence is such a sexy quality)
7. A guy who is willing to commit to a monogamous relationship
8. A friend
9. A good conversationalist, with varied interests and a reasonable level of intelligence
10. A guy with a positive outlook on life
The list could go on and on and on I suppose, but I think these things are the important things to me. Feel free to copy this meme as I'd be interested to see what other guys look for...
I was thinking about Muzbot's post a week or two ago, about his desire to find the "perfect" man for him...and so I started analysing what kind of man I am looking for. And so, I've created my very first meme. Naturally, I'm quite cognizant of the fact that this is an "ideal" - I've experienced enough in meeting guys to know that chemistry seems to ignore our preconceived ideas...but anyway, here goes...Monty's Mr Right...
1. Non-smoker
2. Preferably my height or taller (5'9"+)
3. Preferably around my age or a little bit older...35 - 45'ish
4. A nice furrrrry chest (mmmmmmm)
5. Someone who is more built than I (I have a slim build)
That's about it in physical characteristics....now the interesting stuff...
5. A guy that is not defined by his sexuality ie the only reason he's gay is the fact that he likes sleeping with other guys
6. Someone confident within himself (confidence is such a sexy quality)
7. A guy who is willing to commit to a monogamous relationship
8. A friend
9. A good conversationalist, with varied interests and a reasonable level of intelligence
10. A guy with a positive outlook on life
The list could go on and on and on I suppose, but I think these things are the important things to me. Feel free to copy this meme as I'd be interested to see what other guys look for...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Unconscious Mutterings...
Happen :: Mis-
Terribly :: Sorry
History :: Repeats
Master :: -and Commander
Petrified :: Terrified
Moan :: Groan
Attack :: -of the Clones
Picture :: Rail
Students :: Uniforms
Potter :: Harry (grrrr - I haven't actually watched any of these films, or read the books, but the first thing that pops into my head when I see Potter is flippin' Harry!)
Happen :: Mis-
Terribly :: Sorry
History :: Repeats
Master :: -and Commander
Petrified :: Terrified
Moan :: Groan
Attack :: -of the Clones
Picture :: Rail
Students :: Uniforms
Potter :: Harry (grrrr - I haven't actually watched any of these films, or read the books, but the first thing that pops into my head when I see Potter is flippin' Harry!)
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Dinner at Chez Muzbot...
Well, it's now Sunday afternoon, a drizzly and cold day outside and me, inside with my paper and heater. It's the exact opposite of yesterday, with its blue skies and buckets of sunshine. But the overcast weather kinda suits me today. It's perfect for staying at home with the paper, catching up on some blogging, maybe a DVD.
It was another sensational Saturday night for yours truly, with my highly anticipated dinner at Chez Muzbot becoming reality. Muzbot made a variation on his recently posted Moroccan Lamb a la Muzbot - Moroccan Chicken a la Muzbot! And it well and truly lived up to the hype! I'm very impressed! I turned up around 6.30pm or so and he was still making it and I loved the fact that he was not reading a recipe but just throwing stuff into the pot...the hallmark of a natural cook. Delicious, not over spiced, subtle flavours, tender chicken and perfect cous cous all combined with a lovely wine that I am fast becoming a fan of (and which was introduced to me by Muzbot) - Logan Weemala Merlot 2004, from the Central Ranges of NSW. I've never been a fan of Merlot - I find it too smooth and a little bit bland - much preferring the big bold flavours of Shiraz. But I must say, this particular Merlot has won me over. Warm aromas of dark berries, just a touch of violet, and soft flavours of plum and chocolate. Mmmmm chocolate! No wonder it went soooo well with our chocolate dessert last week! I was also able to introduce Muz to one of my favourites, Shiraz Viognier. It's 95% Shiraz and 5% Viognier so it's still predominantly Shiraz with it's lip-smackingly delicious berry flavours but just a little less of the earthiness; the Viognier helps soften the sucker punch that Shiraz can have, and adds some lovely top notes to the bouquet. So I think it helped us both expand our wine horizons.
But, as good as the food and wine were, the company was what made the night! As always! I do love a good dinner party with 4, 6, 8 or 10 people - always makes for amusing conversations, lots of laughter and a variety of topics. But equally (and fast becoming more so), I love a dinner for 2, where you can really get to know someone. Anyone who knows Muzbot would agree that he's an easy person to be around; he's laid back and a little bit reserved, but still good company. And last night was no different. When you are one on one, you can be more open with each other; the conversation tends to become quite personal and so it's just a much better way of building a friendship. And that was what last night was for me. I feel I've got to know Muz a bit better, and I hope he's done the same in relation to me.
So from food perspective, Muzbot's cooking rates 4 1/2 stars (can't rate it 5 stars, he'll just get wayyyy too smug). From a good company perspective, he gets 5 stars. :-)
The last 3 Saturday nights have been all quite different in their composition, with the first being the fabulous night at Priscilla, whenMatt from London was here, last Saturday night's inebriated dinner party (and part McDreamy strip show) with Evan, McDreamy and Muzbot, and last night's very relaxed and thoroughly enjoyable dinner (and holiday slide show) with Muz. In their different ways, they have been equally excellent! And next Saturday night should be just as fun, down the South Coast at the beach house with Evan and McDreamy and me cooking Monty's Famous Beer-up-the-bum Chicken for dinner! How lucky can a guy be, to have such fantastic friends and such memorable weekends! After the roller-coaster which was May/June (and which is thankfully very much history), these last couple of weekends have been just the perfect panacea! Thanks guys! Look forward to many more!
Well, it's now Sunday afternoon, a drizzly and cold day outside and me, inside with my paper and heater. It's the exact opposite of yesterday, with its blue skies and buckets of sunshine. But the overcast weather kinda suits me today. It's perfect for staying at home with the paper, catching up on some blogging, maybe a DVD.
It was another sensational Saturday night for yours truly, with my highly anticipated dinner at Chez Muzbot becoming reality. Muzbot made a variation on his recently posted Moroccan Lamb a la Muzbot - Moroccan Chicken a la Muzbot! And it well and truly lived up to the hype! I'm very impressed! I turned up around 6.30pm or so and he was still making it and I loved the fact that he was not reading a recipe but just throwing stuff into the pot...the hallmark of a natural cook. Delicious, not over spiced, subtle flavours, tender chicken and perfect cous cous all combined with a lovely wine that I am fast becoming a fan of (and which was introduced to me by Muzbot) - Logan Weemala Merlot 2004, from the Central Ranges of NSW. I've never been a fan of Merlot - I find it too smooth and a little bit bland - much preferring the big bold flavours of Shiraz. But I must say, this particular Merlot has won me over. Warm aromas of dark berries, just a touch of violet, and soft flavours of plum and chocolate. Mmmmm chocolate! No wonder it went soooo well with our chocolate dessert last week! I was also able to introduce Muz to one of my favourites, Shiraz Viognier. It's 95% Shiraz and 5% Viognier so it's still predominantly Shiraz with it's lip-smackingly delicious berry flavours but just a little less of the earthiness; the Viognier helps soften the sucker punch that Shiraz can have, and adds some lovely top notes to the bouquet. So I think it helped us both expand our wine horizons.
But, as good as the food and wine were, the company was what made the night! As always! I do love a good dinner party with 4, 6, 8 or 10 people - always makes for amusing conversations, lots of laughter and a variety of topics. But equally (and fast becoming more so), I love a dinner for 2, where you can really get to know someone. Anyone who knows Muzbot would agree that he's an easy person to be around; he's laid back and a little bit reserved, but still good company. And last night was no different. When you are one on one, you can be more open with each other; the conversation tends to become quite personal and so it's just a much better way of building a friendship. And that was what last night was for me. I feel I've got to know Muz a bit better, and I hope he's done the same in relation to me.
So from food perspective, Muzbot's cooking rates 4 1/2 stars (can't rate it 5 stars, he'll just get wayyyy too smug). From a good company perspective, he gets 5 stars. :-)
The last 3 Saturday nights have been all quite different in their composition, with the first being the fabulous night at Priscilla, whenMatt from London was here, last Saturday night's inebriated dinner party (and part McDreamy strip show) with Evan, McDreamy and Muzbot, and last night's very relaxed and thoroughly enjoyable dinner (and holiday slide show) with Muz. In their different ways, they have been equally excellent! And next Saturday night should be just as fun, down the South Coast at the beach house with Evan and McDreamy and me cooking Monty's Famous Beer-up-the-bum Chicken for dinner! How lucky can a guy be, to have such fantastic friends and such memorable weekends! After the roller-coaster which was May/June (and which is thankfully very much history), these last couple of weekends have been just the perfect panacea! Thanks guys! Look forward to many more!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
A Sundry Saturday post...
It's Saturday already and I can't believe how quickly the past week has flown by! Now that the financial year is over, traditionally things slow down and this was my fondest wish for this week. Not to be! It has been another very busy week at work! So, I thought I'd better treat myself and make an appointment with my hunky masseur for today.
And so, today I rocked up at 10.30am and felt all my stress dissolve beneath the magic that is my masseur's hands! It was another lovely session, but a little sad - he is in the process of moving over to London; leaving in two week's time. So, this was our last session together. Naturally, I have booked him for October when I will be back in London, but that's still 3 months away, and not exactly an ideal solution! Thankfully, he gave me a couple of numbers of friends of his that are masseurs as well, so I'll be taken care of. Which reminds me, if any of you London bloggers would like a FABULOUS massage from a hot Aussie guy, email me and I'll send you his details. He has to start working as soon as he gets there and so I'm sure he'd love an intant client list!
I drifted home, through the heavy traffic that is in Potts Point at the moment, thanks to the thousands of visitors turning up to check out the hot US Navy guys (oh, and their aircraft carrier) here for the weekend. A quick clean up around the apartment and a knock on my door. It was Evan and McDreamy, beaming smiles and lots of laughs! McDreamy had cut out a suspicious looking lesion on Evan's chest last week and it prompted me to think about my own skin. My dad is a red head with very fair skin and he goes every 6 months or so to the doctor to get examined and usually ends up with one or two small cancers being cut out or frozen off. I've unfortunately inherited the fair skin and have not had a check up for ages. So, McDreamy kindly made a housecall on me and checked me out. Thankfully, nothing to be concerned about...there's a couple of freckles that he suggested I keep an eye on, for any changes in colour or shape, but otherwise, nothing to worry about!
Sensational! Thanks McDreamy, by the way.
Thus relieved, we all toddled off down to Blues Point Rd for a lovely pasta lunch in the sun at one of the cafes there. I love sitting in the sun when it's cold...it just feels fantastic! We also discussed our little weekend away next weekend...I'm taking them down to the beach house on the South Coast. Granted, it's not exactly beach weather, but it's just so lovely and relaxing down there, plenty of food and wine, great conversation with good friends, lazy sleep ins, long walks on the beach. It promises to be another awesome weekend!
Tonight, I've received an invitation to Chez Muzbot for dinner - and he's cooking! After seeing the yummy recipe he posted earlier this week for his Moroccan Lamb, I'm chomping at the bit to experience his culinary skills! Should be another highly enjoyable night!
And so, today I rocked up at 10.30am and felt all my stress dissolve beneath the magic that is my masseur's hands! It was another lovely session, but a little sad - he is in the process of moving over to London; leaving in two week's time. So, this was our last session together. Naturally, I have booked him for October when I will be back in London, but that's still 3 months away, and not exactly an ideal solution! Thankfully, he gave me a couple of numbers of friends of his that are masseurs as well, so I'll be taken care of. Which reminds me, if any of you London bloggers would like a FABULOUS massage from a hot Aussie guy, email me and I'll send you his details. He has to start working as soon as he gets there and so I'm sure he'd love an intant client list!
I drifted home, through the heavy traffic that is in Potts Point at the moment, thanks to the thousands of visitors turning up to check out the hot US Navy guys (oh, and their aircraft carrier) here for the weekend. A quick clean up around the apartment and a knock on my door. It was Evan and McDreamy, beaming smiles and lots of laughs! McDreamy had cut out a suspicious looking lesion on Evan's chest last week and it prompted me to think about my own skin. My dad is a red head with very fair skin and he goes every 6 months or so to the doctor to get examined and usually ends up with one or two small cancers being cut out or frozen off. I've unfortunately inherited the fair skin and have not had a check up for ages. So, McDreamy kindly made a housecall on me and checked me out. Thankfully, nothing to be concerned about...there's a couple of freckles that he suggested I keep an eye on, for any changes in colour or shape, but otherwise, nothing to worry about!
Sensational! Thanks McDreamy, by the way.
Thus relieved, we all toddled off down to Blues Point Rd for a lovely pasta lunch in the sun at one of the cafes there. I love sitting in the sun when it's cold...it just feels fantastic! We also discussed our little weekend away next weekend...I'm taking them down to the beach house on the South Coast. Granted, it's not exactly beach weather, but it's just so lovely and relaxing down there, plenty of food and wine, great conversation with good friends, lazy sleep ins, long walks on the beach. It promises to be another awesome weekend!
Tonight, I've received an invitation to Chez Muzbot for dinner - and he's cooking! After seeing the yummy recipe he posted earlier this week for his Moroccan Lamb, I'm chomping at the bit to experience his culinary skills! Should be another highly enjoyable night!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Unconscious Mutterings...
Partner :: Life
News :: Views
Foam :: Waves
Paycheck :: Pay Cheque
Me :: You
Eight :: Ball
Dairy :: Queen
Exciting :: Inviting
Hockey :: Stick
Socialite :: Paris
News :: Views
Foam :: Waves
Paycheck :: Pay Cheque
Me :: You
Eight :: Ball
Dairy :: Queen
Exciting :: Inviting
Hockey :: Stick
Socialite :: Paris
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Muzbot, Evan and Dr McDreamy
I was struggling to find a title to this post, but really, this week has all been about Muzbot, Evan and his Dr McDreamy.
It's been one of those insane weeks, the final of the financial year. Monday and Tuesday, I got home from work mentally and physically fatigued! But by COB Wednesday, I had broken the back of it! And so, when Muz suggested meeting for a beer, I was ready! We actually ended up having a couple of beers, dinner and another excellent chat! Unfortunately, our conversation did not touch on PST pictures, otherwise I would've been, errrm, warmly encouraging him to up the ante with his pics! But apart from that, it was another sensational night with a guy who's becoming an awesome mate!
Thursday, I was pretty chilled and in fact, most of my colleagues left by 4.30pm...I lingered until 5pm and choofed off! And then I met up with my other great mate, Evan, for dinner and a chat! Naturally, a lot of the conversation centred on McDreamy, but it's lovely to see things progressing with those two! Evan is always a delight to be with; he's a first class human being and a great friend and always has time for me and my woes! Love him to pieces!
Friday came and went with relatively little fanfare...a flurry of last minute activity and it was over for FY06/07! And then the champagne corks popped and the drinks started flowing! Our team has a lot to celebrate - we had a record week this week and our team was Number 1 in NSW! So we did party! But, around 9.30pm, the tiredness hit me...and I was ready to go. We were in a restaurant in Kings Cross and so I left my colleagues and popped in to say hello to my friend Simon, the Sailing Penguin for half an hour. And that was lovely! He was very excited as he was waiting for his son to fly in for a week. And then, I went home! How very boring! But needed!
Saturday was spent at home mostly, as I was preparing for a dinner party - the attendees...Muzbot, Evan and Dr McDreamy! What a night!!! We managed to down 6 bottles of rather smashing red wine between the four of us, McDreamy became the 'massage-o-matic', (a sensational term coined by Muz) and the conversation flowed thick and fast! I have this one memory, toward the end of the night, after most (if not all) the alcohol had been consumed, where Muzbot was lying semi-prone on the couch, Evan was lying on my bed and McDreamy was shirtless in my entry-way! It was kinda hilarious at the time, as well as being kinda surreal. For Monty, Nirvana...3 HOT hairy guys in his apartment! FABULOUS!
But they all departed and I hit my bed with a vengeance. My apartment looked like a bomb had hit, but I didn't care! I was tired! BUT, it was a seriously excellent night, filled with laughter, good food (if I do say so myself), good wine and most importantly, good friends!
There were 4 rather sore heads this morning, but we all managed to get over that and I met up with Muz for a lazy coffee/tea/toast/hot chocolate. Another pleasant hour or two was spent "chewing the fat" before his mate Judo turned up and it was good to meet him as well.
Toddled home and washed up and washed up and washed up - just as I finished the last pot, a knock on my door...I opened it, and there was Evan and McDreamy standing grinning on my doorstep. So, more "chewing of the fat" with those two before we motored over to the movies to see "As It Is In Heaven" - a Swedish movie I had never heard of. BUT one of the best movies I have seen in a long time! It is simply a wonderful movie! Very moving, very emotional and inspiring. We all loved it! And I was happy that I got to watch it with two great guys!
So, it was really a week and weekend all about Muzbot, Evan and McDreamy! And what a week and weekend it's been! I had such a sensational time last weekend with Matt, but this weekend has been just as good (albeit, without any shagging). And I just can't help but think how fortunate I've been to have had two fabulous weekends in a row! I'm really enjoying life at the moment, enjoying consolidating my friendships with Evan and Muz and establishing a new friendship with McDreamy! Thanks guys!
It's been one of those insane weeks, the final of the financial year. Monday and Tuesday, I got home from work mentally and physically fatigued! But by COB Wednesday, I had broken the back of it! And so, when Muz suggested meeting for a beer, I was ready! We actually ended up having a couple of beers, dinner and another excellent chat! Unfortunately, our conversation did not touch on PST pictures, otherwise I would've been, errrm, warmly encouraging him to up the ante with his pics! But apart from that, it was another sensational night with a guy who's becoming an awesome mate!
Thursday, I was pretty chilled and in fact, most of my colleagues left by 4.30pm...I lingered until 5pm and choofed off! And then I met up with my other great mate, Evan, for dinner and a chat! Naturally, a lot of the conversation centred on McDreamy, but it's lovely to see things progressing with those two! Evan is always a delight to be with; he's a first class human being and a great friend and always has time for me and my woes! Love him to pieces!
Friday came and went with relatively little fanfare...a flurry of last minute activity and it was over for FY06/07! And then the champagne corks popped and the drinks started flowing! Our team has a lot to celebrate - we had a record week this week and our team was Number 1 in NSW! So we did party! But, around 9.30pm, the tiredness hit me...and I was ready to go. We were in a restaurant in Kings Cross and so I left my colleagues and popped in to say hello to my friend Simon, the Sailing Penguin for half an hour. And that was lovely! He was very excited as he was waiting for his son to fly in for a week. And then, I went home! How very boring! But needed!
Saturday was spent at home mostly, as I was preparing for a dinner party - the attendees...Muzbot, Evan and Dr McDreamy! What a night!!! We managed to down 6 bottles of rather smashing red wine between the four of us, McDreamy became the 'massage-o-matic', (a sensational term coined by Muz) and the conversation flowed thick and fast! I have this one memory, toward the end of the night, after most (if not all) the alcohol had been consumed, where Muzbot was lying semi-prone on the couch, Evan was lying on my bed and McDreamy was shirtless in my entry-way! It was kinda hilarious at the time, as well as being kinda surreal. For Monty, Nirvana...3 HOT hairy guys in his apartment! FABULOUS!
But they all departed and I hit my bed with a vengeance. My apartment looked like a bomb had hit, but I didn't care! I was tired! BUT, it was a seriously excellent night, filled with laughter, good food (if I do say so myself), good wine and most importantly, good friends!
There were 4 rather sore heads this morning, but we all managed to get over that and I met up with Muz for a lazy coffee/tea/toast/hot chocolate. Another pleasant hour or two was spent "chewing the fat" before his mate Judo turned up and it was good to meet him as well.
Toddled home and washed up and washed up and washed up - just as I finished the last pot, a knock on my door...I opened it, and there was Evan and McDreamy standing grinning on my doorstep. So, more "chewing of the fat" with those two before we motored over to the movies to see "As It Is In Heaven" - a Swedish movie I had never heard of. BUT one of the best movies I have seen in a long time! It is simply a wonderful movie! Very moving, very emotional and inspiring. We all loved it! And I was happy that I got to watch it with two great guys!
So, it was really a week and weekend all about Muzbot, Evan and McDreamy! And what a week and weekend it's been! I had such a sensational time last weekend with Matt, but this weekend has been just as good (albeit, without any shagging). And I just can't help but think how fortunate I've been to have had two fabulous weekends in a row! I'm really enjoying life at the moment, enjoying consolidating my friendships with Evan and Muz and establishing a new friendship with McDreamy! Thanks guys!
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