Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Monty's Miscellaneous Musings...

I was talking to my mate Dan the other day. Dan also works for the Bank, in a different division, in a different building. So we email each other quite a lot. We're trying to tee up a night to go out and actually catch up, because we haven't seen each other since I returned from holidays.

As it happens when you email, invariably you start chatting about stuff instead of storing it up for when you meet. And so I was telling him about my holiday, and particularly he was interested in my, ummmm, success with the gents. And so I told him. His reaction was "Monty, you are a Slut with a CAPITAL S". He said this jokingly, but it did get me thinking about something that had been on my mind.

I have this internal conflict - one the one hand, my friends keep telling me "Monty, you're young(-ish), single, and you've been out for not quite 18 months. Go out and have some fun!" And for all my faithful readers, you'll know that I've certainly endeavoured to take this advice very seriously! :-) And it's been lots of fun! BUT, on the other hand, I have been brought up in a very strictly moral family, with very traditional values. Growing up, I was determined to remain chaste until I got married. And I did, until age 28 when I had my first sexual experience...with Andy! But even after that, I had terrible feelings of guilt and was abstinent for months and months after that. Eventually, I couldn't stand it and had another encounter, but then the guilt feelings would happen and it all started again. This happened for years, until I finally accepted the fact that I was gay, and then made the decision to come out. And of course, since then, I've made up for lost time. But still, in the back of my mind, sometimes a little voice is telling me that I shouldn't sleep around so much, that I should control my urges. I don't particularly want to be known as a tart or a slut or any other similar epithet. And I do know that my friends don't really think badly of me when I do have my little bit of fun. But sometimes, it still concerns me.

I also know that I would very much prefer to be in a monogamous relationship - that's my ideal. And it's something that is inherent in me...I've grown up with monogamy being presented as the only option and whilst things have changed, I still seek it. Even when I was seeing C3 and Bruce, the minute we started dating, I cancelled any other dates I had planned, and was happily monogamous for the duration of our relationship.

This is a bit of a ramble I know, but it's just something that has been niggling me.


kevin said...

Just cast aside for a minute the ascertion what other people think of you!

You are leading your life and you must and should do it the way YOU want to. Sure, other people in your life are important but it shouldn be WHAT THEY THINK is important to you. Remember Monty my friend, if they think you are a tart or a slut or a heavenly angel the main thing is that they love you.

BE YOURSELF and that is why people like you and they will hold you in high regard.

Phewwwww that's philosophical!!

Sending you a big kiwi hug across the Tasman.

Kev in NZ

Single Guy said...

We all have the same conflict...trying to find that right person and not trying to be a major slut. But how can you find that person if you dont try out a few?

Darth Gateau said...

keep on trying them out. I had to trawl through shed-loads before I found one I wanted to keep!

Englishman in London said...

Hey you - sometimes I think you are too hard on yourself - stop over analysing why you haven't got what you would like, and start analysing why you have what you have.

And the monogomous long term thing I think we all long for - slut or not - will come along - there is someone out there looking for you and probably thinking the same thing - stop stressing and just enjoy what you have . . .

The aternative is to live a monastic existence, and you don't really want that do you?

Dan in Melbourne said...

On the one hand... don't feel pressured into sleeping around - there can be a lot of pressure on gay men to validate themselves through sex.

On the other hand... don't feel pressured into not sleeping around when you want to. In the words of Woody Allen, "Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions."

Monty said...

Thanks guys, appreciate your feedback! :-)
