Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Case of the Disappearing Post...

Some of you may have noticed that a certain post I made on Monday has now disappeared. Yes, that's right, I have taken it down. Thank you to those who made some very meaningful and well thought out comments - I very much appreciated your responses and have taken them into consideration. I found the act of writing the post was very good for me; it help clarify a few things in my mind and helped me come to a decision. But I did think it was best that I removed it for the time being due to its very personal nature.

Monty! xxx


Sh@ney said...

and thus you have my respect on the matter. sorry if I seemed nosy! xxx

T said...

Fair enough Monty mate.

we luv you and your blog and if you need time to thinks things thru then that's fine by me.

Unknown said...

That's Cool Monty.. hope you work it all out.

Tales of the City said...

Thats cool - I had to do the similar once...AND go private. Remember, the blog is what you want it to be.. NOT others. enjoy. x

mykel said...

i did wonder what had happened but it was more concern that you were ok. look after yourself.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Monty and All.

C3 here. As I'm sure most of you already know, Monty is a prince of a lad. He came by my place this evening to break the news that we wasn't in love with me. He couldn't have been more sensitive, caring, or decent about it, for which I'm deeply grateful.

As it happens, I had begun to sense that my feelings of love weren't reciprocated, so I wasn't surprised by M's revelation. But it took great character and integrity to do what he did -- especially since he's never had to break up with anyone before -- and I have nothing but admiration for him and the way he handled the situation. When I'm over the heartbreak, I look forward to a cherished frienship with Monty. He's the sort of man whom I'd consider it an honour to call a friend.

Sign me,
Heartbroken But Never Regretful

Darth Gateau said...

just make sure you have a replacement post in future, for us greedy readers!!

Peter said...

Monty, it showed your true feelings which you had to get of your chest. Even the fact that C3 responded, after the break-up shows character on his account too

T said...

Hooray for C3 and mature guys handling things well.

Campbell said...

Well done Monty!.... and C3

Christerbjorn said...

Hey Monty,
Well done for doing what you had to do in the most sincere and sensitive manner possible. C3 seems to have taken it as well as he could have, and I hope that you two remain friends, meeting him as I did on Sunday night, I couldn't fault him as a person, he was very genuine and we all got along really well with little effort. I hope he finds someone who he can love and is at a place in their life so that they can give him the love that he too is looking for.
Thanks for the comment on my blog about my dog, a negative comment would mean I'd slip you a drug to obliterate your libido forever, you were lucky.
