I know this is probably sounding like everyone's dream "problem" - the inability to put on weight, but I've hated being skinny all my life and would still prefer to be a bit more built. But I have long resigned myself to having a slim build and the more guys I meet, the more I appreciate it. So many guys are regular gym bunnies, watching what they eat, jogging every week etc and I just meander through life, eating whatever I like and doing very little meaningful exercise.
And this week has been a perfect example of my bad eating habits...Monday night, I cooked myself a delicious spag bol and of course, piled it high with parmesan cheese, topped off with a glass of lovely 2004 Barossa Shiraz. Tuesday night, ahhhh Tuesday night...was the night I spent with the lovely Bruce and we had pizza for dinner (OK, it was gourmet pizza but it was still covered in yoghurt and cheese and stuff). Last night, Bruce came over to my place for dinner and as I had lots of leftover spag bol sauce, I just whipped up some more pasta and we consumed that, again augmented with a glass (or two) of wine. Tonight, I'm going home and making one of my favourite quick and easy dinners...parmesan pasta. Basically, you melt a tablespoon of butter, throw in a small carton of double cream, bring it almost to the boil, add a handful of grated parmesan cheese, some chopped up parsley, salt and pepper to taste and that's it...it's fundamentally heart attack pasta....and my goodness, it's magnificent!

So as you can see, counting calories is not my forte! Wouldn't know a calorie if I fell over it! They just do not figure in my life!
But, speaking of the lovely Bruce (I'm sure we were), last night was another highly pleasant evening. He hadn't intended coming over...he rang me after work for our usual daily chat and had told me he planned to stay home and catch up on some work. I simply suggested he come over for some spag bol (not thinking he would) and he capitulated without the slightest attempt of resistance! This was very unexpected and so I tore around the apartment cleaning up (which certainly burned some of the aforesaid calories I'm sure), had a quick shower, threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, just in time for his arrival. And it was another relaxing evening spent chatting, eating, drinking, watching my favourite show, Spicks and Specs, and a little bit of snogging....he is such a good kisser!!!!!! Unfortunately, he had an early morning appointment so he didn't stay over...sigh...
But, I'll be seeing him tomorrow night AND staying over at his place for our first ever sleep-in on Saturday morning...all our previous sleepovers have been on a school night and so we've been getting up at 6am so that we can both make it to work in time. So I am really looking forward to a semi-lazy sleep-in with the very hot and exceptionally sexy Bruce!