Yes, that's right folks, can you believe it??? Monty has made it to two months with the same guy!!! It blows me away that in January I was ranting like there was no tomorrow and today, McBrad and I are celebrating two magical months together! And hopefully, we'll be celebrating many many many more months and years together as well.
It's going to be fairly low key tonight as tomorrow night, McBrad's niece and her husband are over from WA and we are taking them out for that'll be our official celebration. AND they'll be the first of McBrad's family that I meet...gotta be on my best behaviour!
I just find it amazing that the last two months have flown by so quickly - it only seems like yesterday that we met! And yet, I couldn't imagine not having him around...we've so quickly settled into a very comfortable partnership. And I'm thoroughly in love with him - I know he has his quirky ways (not that he'd admit that he has quirky ways) but they're part of who he is and I love him for them. I'm just totally smitten!
Anyway, enough of this mush!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Up, Up and Away...
It's Monday morning and guess where Monty is...? Here at home! 'Why', you may think to yourself, 'is Monty at home on a work day?' Well, silly story really. I had a couple of boxes of wine delivered to my work on Friday and so went in yesterday lunchtime to collect them. I was carrying the two boxes (which are rather heavy) across the street to my car when I stepped off the curb and twisted my ankle. It hurt like HELL and I nearly blacked out with the pain, but thankfully, my good sense came to the fore and I recovered and was able to save the wine! But it was a painful journey with the two cases back to my car.
Got up this morning and my ankle had blown up several sizes - in fact, it looked more like a "cankle"! eek! Made it very gingerly and very very slowly down the stairs at McBrad's - he, being a Registered Nurse (albeit, non-practising), had a look and suggested I spend the day off my feet, with my leg up. He even thought it may be a good idea to have it x-ray'ed, just in case I've chipped a bone.
So, I came home, rang in sick, and am now happily ensconced at home, Sex and The City on DVD, feet up!
Anyway, I digress. McBrad has been wanting to got back to Scotland in July - both to see his family (all his family still live there) and to attend one of his best friends' 40th birthday. He actually priced the flights on Saturday - $3500 with Emirates! OUCH! Travelling in the northern summer aint cheap!!! Well, we got chatting about it over the weekend and whether I would like to come. I definitely would LOVE to, let me hasten to add, but this year had been the year I decided to actually SAVE some funds instead of blowing it all on overseas travel.
Too late for that - one overseas trip under the belt so far this year (Thailand) and now I'm seriously thinking about accompanying my gorgeous boyfriend to the UK in July! Eeek! And so, this morning, with spare time on my hands, I've been hitting the internet. Virgin Atlantic - $3500 as well. Thought I'd give Singapore Airlines a whirl. Guess what? $2800 return AND of course, it's flying the fabulous A380. The appeal for McBrad with Emirates is that they can fly into London and depart from Glasgow. Singapore only fly in and out of London. So, digit to QWERTY, I went a-hunting. Turns out BMI fly to Glasgow from LHR return for about GBP83. How good is that! The entire flight part for less than $3,000! Bargain. Accommodation would be virtually NIL - between McBrad's friends/family and my friends/family, it's pretty much sown up. It'd just be spending money on top of that...a relatively inexpensive holiday.
And of course, this has got me really really wanting to go. I'd get a chance to see my brother Mark and his boyfriend Sim which would be great. Yes, I did see them in April in Phuket and will be seeing them at Christmas (they're flying to Sydney for xmas/NYE this year) but they're all the family that I have at the moment (well, that's speaking to me anyway). AND I'd get a chance to catch up with my favourite London bloggers as well!!! Yes, that's right - all you London bloggers (and that includes you retired bloggers too) - roll out the red carpet - Monty could be in a hemisphere near you very soon. I'll also be able to catch up with my lovely friend EIB who's in the process of moving from Budapest to London over the summer.
AND of course, I'll be able to introduce the very HOT McBrad to everyone!
Unfortunately, it'll only be a fairly quick trip - thinking of departing Sydney 11 July and returning 29th - so just over two weeks! Not half long enough, but that's all the time he can take off.
So, watch this space kids...
Got up this morning and my ankle had blown up several sizes - in fact, it looked more like a "cankle"! eek! Made it very gingerly and very very slowly down the stairs at McBrad's - he, being a Registered Nurse (albeit, non-practising), had a look and suggested I spend the day off my feet, with my leg up. He even thought it may be a good idea to have it x-ray'ed, just in case I've chipped a bone.
So, I came home, rang in sick, and am now happily ensconced at home, Sex and The City on DVD, feet up!
Anyway, I digress. McBrad has been wanting to got back to Scotland in July - both to see his family (all his family still live there) and to attend one of his best friends' 40th birthday. He actually priced the flights on Saturday - $3500 with Emirates! OUCH! Travelling in the northern summer aint cheap!!! Well, we got chatting about it over the weekend and whether I would like to come. I definitely would LOVE to, let me hasten to add, but this year had been the year I decided to actually SAVE some funds instead of blowing it all on overseas travel.
Too late for that - one overseas trip under the belt so far this year (Thailand) and now I'm seriously thinking about accompanying my gorgeous boyfriend to the UK in July! Eeek! And so, this morning, with spare time on my hands, I've been hitting the internet. Virgin Atlantic - $3500 as well. Thought I'd give Singapore Airlines a whirl. Guess what? $2800 return AND of course, it's flying the fabulous A380. The appeal for McBrad with Emirates is that they can fly into London and depart from Glasgow. Singapore only fly in and out of London. So, digit to QWERTY, I went a-hunting. Turns out BMI fly to Glasgow from LHR return for about GBP83. How good is that! The entire flight part for less than $3,000! Bargain. Accommodation would be virtually NIL - between McBrad's friends/family and my friends/family, it's pretty much sown up. It'd just be spending money on top of that...a relatively inexpensive holiday.
And of course, this has got me really really wanting to go. I'd get a chance to see my brother Mark and his boyfriend Sim which would be great. Yes, I did see them in April in Phuket and will be seeing them at Christmas (they're flying to Sydney for xmas/NYE this year) but they're all the family that I have at the moment (well, that's speaking to me anyway). AND I'd get a chance to catch up with my favourite London bloggers as well!!! Yes, that's right - all you London bloggers (and that includes you retired bloggers too) - roll out the red carpet - Monty could be in a hemisphere near you very soon. I'll also be able to catch up with my lovely friend EIB who's in the process of moving from Budapest to London over the summer.
AND of course, I'll be able to introduce the very HOT McBrad to everyone!
Unfortunately, it'll only be a fairly quick trip - thinking of departing Sydney 11 July and returning 29th - so just over two weeks! Not half long enough, but that's all the time he can take off.
So, watch this space kids...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Tuning in...
I have just discovered the joys of iTunes! Yes, that's right - 5 months after being given my iPod for Christmas, I finally ventured into the world of the iTunes store today and purchased my first song...and second song...and third...etc etc
Seriously, this is very addictive - I have been undertaking a journey of rediscovery of music from my past - and can see that this has all the potential to develop into a full-blown shopping habit! I just meandered from genre to genre, from artist to artist, year to year and it was marvellous! Why did I not get onto this sooner???
I've downloaded Jason Donovan (ok ok, so shoot me now), Colour Me Badd (ok, you really should shoot me now), Right Said Fred and East 17, among others. The depths of my musical low-brow-ness knows no end - the tackier, the cornier, the poppier the better! It's fabulous!
Seriously, this is very addictive - I have been undertaking a journey of rediscovery of music from my past - and can see that this has all the potential to develop into a full-blown shopping habit! I just meandered from genre to genre, from artist to artist, year to year and it was marvellous! Why did I not get onto this sooner???
I've downloaded Jason Donovan (ok ok, so shoot me now), Colour Me Badd (ok, you really should shoot me now), Right Said Fred and East 17, among others. The depths of my musical low-brow-ness knows no end - the tackier, the cornier, the poppier the better! It's fabulous!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Cocktails and Canapes - The Morning After...
Well, I have to say, last night was every straight man's dream - a room full of maybe 250 tipsy women and virtually NO competition! We got there - we being 8 girls and 2 gay guys - and seriously, could not see any other men. It wasn't until we were just about to get in that we saw a very sheepish and nervous guy walk to the end of the queue. He looked seriously terrified.
And once we were in, Cosmo's in hand, we walked around and saw another 2 or 3 guys. And that was it. And once the party got into swing, I have to tell you, there were a lot of hungry looking women!!! And not hungry for food!!! I had women giving me the serious eye, I was chatted up by a lady at the bar (methinks she was channelling not so much her inner-Carrie, but her inner-Samantha) and I was the recipient of much flirting from a group of girls at the next table! Even the waiters were fair game by the looks of things, with girls virtually hanging off them as they circulated. Not one man was safe! It was hilarious! I tell you, any right minded straight guy should just do the women's charity events circuit - a guaranteed pick-up every time!!! And these ladies were not unattractive by any means...this was a bunch of SATC style Sydney women! So it's rich pickings for any guy who's on the prowl! ;-)
We all had way too many cosmos - the waiters just kept topping us up - and so we had a whale of a time! It was a perfect evening for a party too - with the full moon rising behind the city buildings and the water sparkling with the city lights! It did feel quite SATC'esque!
Tonight, I'm heading directly to McBrad's as we're having a dinner party and I'm cooking! So naturally, it's going to be a late start for dinner! Should be fun; it's only 6 of us so it's not too daunting. A couple of my friends and a couple of his friends, the perfect mix (we hope).
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
And once we were in, Cosmo's in hand, we walked around and saw another 2 or 3 guys. And that was it. And once the party got into swing, I have to tell you, there were a lot of hungry looking women!!! And not hungry for food!!! I had women giving me the serious eye, I was chatted up by a lady at the bar (methinks she was channelling not so much her inner-Carrie, but her inner-Samantha) and I was the recipient of much flirting from a group of girls at the next table! Even the waiters were fair game by the looks of things, with girls virtually hanging off them as they circulated. Not one man was safe! It was hilarious! I tell you, any right minded straight guy should just do the women's charity events circuit - a guaranteed pick-up every time!!! And these ladies were not unattractive by any means...this was a bunch of SATC style Sydney women! So it's rich pickings for any guy who's on the prowl! ;-)
We all had way too many cosmos - the waiters just kept topping us up - and so we had a whale of a time! It was a perfect evening for a party too - with the full moon rising behind the city buildings and the water sparkling with the city lights! It did feel quite SATC'esque!
Tonight, I'm heading directly to McBrad's as we're having a dinner party and I'm cooking! So naturally, it's going to be a late start for dinner! Should be fun; it's only 6 of us so it's not too daunting. A couple of my friends and a couple of his friends, the perfect mix (we hope).
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Cocktails and Canapes...

So I can't wait! Boy, this job is just a killer sometimes! he he he!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Gratuitous Eye Candy...
Weighty matters...
...and No, McBrad and I haven't been discussing getting married, having children or buying a house together. The Weighty reference is much more personal.
I was talking to my trainer Greg the other day...I had just benchpressed 65kgs and I was quite excited...and I told him that it was the first time that I had managed to lift my own body weight. (when I signed up in January, I was weighed and I was 62kgs) He kinda looked at me quizically and said, "I don't think you're still 62 kgs Monty."
I must say this took me by surprise as I hadn't really thought about my weight - having been skinny (though I prefer the term "slim") all my life, weight (or rather, the putting on of weight) was never a worry. I have always eaten whatever I liked, with very little consequence in the weight department. So, Greg and I decided to weigh me!
And guess what...70kgs!!! You could've knocked me down with a feather!!! In my wildest dreams, I would never have thought I would hit the big Seven Oh! And yet, I've managed to put on 8 kilos in a matter of 4 months. AND, I hasten to add, Greg assured me that it was all muscle mass that was the cause of such weight gain. I've not just turned into a lard arse, I've actually got muscles! Yes, that's right folks, Monty has Muscles!!! Will wonders never cease! Greg actually got me to stand next to him in front of the mirror and made me take a hard look at my body - pointing out where my new muscles were, the progress that he had noted - and you know, suddenly I realized that I HAVE filled out much more. I've actually gone from being skinny Monty to regular sized Monty, with some nice tone in my arms, legs, chest and shoulders! It's all rather exciting!
I must say, looking back, I had noticed that my clothes were starting to feel just a bit more snug and a couple of shirts that I purchased in London in Oct last year were starting to really strain at the buttons, but hadn't really connected it with my exercise regime.
So I was one excited little black duck! Rushed back to work and told Jacqui and John and then that night told McBrad and have been telling friends ever since!
Greg told me yesterday that I've made the fastest progress of any of his clients and that he's really quite chuffed at what we've accomplished together! And I really have him to thank for it...he's the one that's pushed me to keep at it, to extend beyond what I think are my limits and it's worked! And continues to do so!
Coming soon...Hunky Monty! he he he!
I was talking to my trainer Greg the other day...I had just benchpressed 65kgs and I was quite excited...and I told him that it was the first time that I had managed to lift my own body weight. (when I signed up in January, I was weighed and I was 62kgs) He kinda looked at me quizically and said, "I don't think you're still 62 kgs Monty."
I must say this took me by surprise as I hadn't really thought about my weight - having been skinny (though I prefer the term "slim") all my life, weight (or rather, the putting on of weight) was never a worry. I have always eaten whatever I liked, with very little consequence in the weight department. So, Greg and I decided to weigh me!
And guess what...70kgs!!! You could've knocked me down with a feather!!! In my wildest dreams, I would never have thought I would hit the big Seven Oh! And yet, I've managed to put on 8 kilos in a matter of 4 months. AND, I hasten to add, Greg assured me that it was all muscle mass that was the cause of such weight gain. I've not just turned into a lard arse, I've actually got muscles! Yes, that's right folks, Monty has Muscles!!! Will wonders never cease! Greg actually got me to stand next to him in front of the mirror and made me take a hard look at my body - pointing out where my new muscles were, the progress that he had noted - and you know, suddenly I realized that I HAVE filled out much more. I've actually gone from being skinny Monty to regular sized Monty, with some nice tone in my arms, legs, chest and shoulders! It's all rather exciting!
I must say, looking back, I had noticed that my clothes were starting to feel just a bit more snug and a couple of shirts that I purchased in London in Oct last year were starting to really strain at the buttons, but hadn't really connected it with my exercise regime.
So I was one excited little black duck! Rushed back to work and told Jacqui and John and then that night told McBrad and have been telling friends ever since!
Greg told me yesterday that I've made the fastest progress of any of his clients and that he's really quite chuffed at what we've accomplished together! And I really have him to thank for it...he's the one that's pushed me to keep at it, to extend beyond what I think are my limits and it's worked! And continues to do so!
Coming soon...Hunky Monty! he he he!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Life as a couple...

As per usual, I spent the weekend at McBrad's place and we decided early Saturday arvo to pop over to a little park in Newtown that McBrad loves, as it's near his favourite cafe (Cafe Ism for those who like to know) and Noodle can run around in the park. We stopped off at the local pet supplies shop on the way, as we wanted to get Noodle a new collar - McBrad had seen other dogs with collars that had lights on them and thought it'd be great for Noodle. Anyway, we found a fantastic little sparkly light thingy that attaches to a collar and so we bought that for her instead. I was quite excited about it - it looks fabulous at night - because this was officially my first gift to Noodle as her "uncle". Anyway, I was telling Jacqui this story this morning and she looked at me and said..."Is this the most exciting thing that happened to you on the weekend? You bought a light for a dog collar!"
And I looked at her and thought - how true! But I wasn't that dismayed actually. I love doing those little normal things with McBrad - going shopping, walking Noodle, cooking dinner etc. All the social things we're doing are great, don't get me wrong and it's been really good to meet his friends and for him to meet mine, but doing the ordinary run-of-the-mill things with McBrad make me feel so much like I'm part of a couple. It really feels like we're starting to share a life together instead of living two separate lives. How good is that! :-)
But we did do more than just buy stuff for Noodle, I hasten to add. Saturday night, we attended the Impro Tropicano show that I posted about a few weeks back! It was an awesome night and it was great to see quite a few familiar faces in the audience - friends that I have made over the past 18 months or so. I had hoped to catch up with a fellow blogger - Thoroughly Modern Colin - but alas, couldn't find him in the crowd at half-time. But it was a highly entertaining evening anyway and we ended up after the show going to Mr Mary's in Newtown which was a new experience for me. Interesting place, kinda fun in a quiet way, with some excellent drag shows.
It turned very cold over the weekend - Sunday was delightfully sunny, but with a very chilly breeze so it was lovely to snuggle with my Scottish teddy bear. Who needs electric blankets when McBrad is around to keep me toasty warm! He's going to save me a fortune in heating expenses this winter I think!!! he he he!
The other thing I have noticed (and am finding just a touch challenging) is now that I'm gyming thrice weekly (either straight after work or at lunchtimes) AND spending so many nights at McBrad's place, I've got clothes and toiletries now in three apartment, at work, and at McBrad's. It's a complete juggling act, remembering where everything is, making sure that all the clothes are clean etc. I've duplicated (and in some cases triplicated) my toiletries to try and streamline things and I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually, but at the moment, it's somewhat tricky. A price I'm more than willing to pay, of course. But just one those little things that you don't think about when you're single and living in just one apartment.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Two nights...
I had a work thingy last night to attend and there were drinks and canapes afterwards and McBrad had lots of college work to do so we decided that I would sleep at home. Which is fine, I do that maybe twice a week. Needless to say, I still miss him - my bed feels very empty. It's strange how quickly you get used to sleeping with someone.
Anyway, tonight he's going to a dinner party and I've got birthday (yes, another one) drinks after work for one of my colleagues so I'm also sleeping at home tonight! This will be the second night in a row without McBrad and you know what, it's the first time that's happened since I got back from Thailand! Don't know how I'll cope! :-(
On a related subject, it's amazing how, when you're with the Right One, everything is so much easier. With previous guys, there's always been questions, complications, hassles etc, but with McBrad, it's all just worked out! Aint love grand!
And it's also amazing how different things are at the moment when compared to the same time last year! Very good different I hasten to add!!! Life is beautiful!
And I do apologise that I haven't anything particularly interesting to post about. I will try harder to come up with a topic that isn't all about McBrad! I just can't stop thinking about him!
Anyway, tonight he's going to a dinner party and I've got birthday (yes, another one) drinks after work for one of my colleagues so I'm also sleeping at home tonight! This will be the second night in a row without McBrad and you know what, it's the first time that's happened since I got back from Thailand! Don't know how I'll cope! :-(
On a related subject, it's amazing how, when you're with the Right One, everything is so much easier. With previous guys, there's always been questions, complications, hassles etc, but with McBrad, it's all just worked out! Aint love grand!
And it's also amazing how different things are at the moment when compared to the same time last year! Very good different I hasten to add!!! Life is beautiful!
And I do apologise that I haven't anything particularly interesting to post about. I will try harder to come up with a topic that isn't all about McBrad! I just can't stop thinking about him!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Home is where the heart is...
It's a very common saying but until now, I've not really thought about it. Muzbot wrote a post about his new residential situation, in the Potts Point/Kings Cross area and it got me thinking about my own situation.
I've lived here on the North Shore for 8 years and have loved every minute of it! And I never thought I'd ever contemplate moving from here either. I love the leafy green-ness of it, the quiet residential streets, houses with big gardens, families, and it's close proximity to the City. Most of my friends live on "the other side" - mostly in the Ghetto that is Paddo/Darlo/Surry Hills etc and so I was always catching taxis over and back or driving myself (if I wasn't drinking). But I was always happy to come home to my little North Shore pad.
But now, I'm spending the weekends and most week nights at McBrad's (in Surry Hills) and suddenly the North Shore seems a little cold and lonely...and way too far away! I have really loved living over here, but if/when things progress more with McBrad, I will have to face eventually leaving the "dark side" and moving in with him. And you know, it doesn't concern me half as much as I thought it would. It is true...home is where the heart is. If McBrad is there, that's where I want to be. No question about it. And I must say, having spent so much time there in the past 6 weeks, I'm starting to really like Surry Hills - it's got lots of trees too, there's some nice little parks, great cafes and the best thing, it's practically walking distance to most of my friends. I am saving a fortune in taxi fares, though, at the moment, am more than offsetting that with Bridge and ED tolls!
Anyway, that's all still some way off...
I've lived here on the North Shore for 8 years and have loved every minute of it! And I never thought I'd ever contemplate moving from here either. I love the leafy green-ness of it, the quiet residential streets, houses with big gardens, families, and it's close proximity to the City. Most of my friends live on "the other side" - mostly in the Ghetto that is Paddo/Darlo/Surry Hills etc and so I was always catching taxis over and back or driving myself (if I wasn't drinking). But I was always happy to come home to my little North Shore pad.
But now, I'm spending the weekends and most week nights at McBrad's (in Surry Hills) and suddenly the North Shore seems a little cold and lonely...and way too far away! I have really loved living over here, but if/when things progress more with McBrad, I will have to face eventually leaving the "dark side" and moving in with him. And you know, it doesn't concern me half as much as I thought it would. It is true...home is where the heart is. If McBrad is there, that's where I want to be. No question about it. And I must say, having spent so much time there in the past 6 weeks, I'm starting to really like Surry Hills - it's got lots of trees too, there's some nice little parks, great cafes and the best thing, it's practically walking distance to most of my friends. I am saving a fortune in taxi fares, though, at the moment, am more than offsetting that with Bridge and ED tolls!
Anyway, that's all still some way off...
Friday, May 09, 2008
The L-Word...

Why do I bring up THAT subject? Because it's raised its head! Now, I've never actually been "in love" before - had plenty of infactuations (mostly unrequited) in my time of course, but not the real deal. When I was in my twenties (before I realized definitively that I was gay), although I had flirtatious relationships with girls, I never felt like I wanted to be in a relationship with one. Once I knew for sure that I was gay, I avoided relationships with girls for obvious reasons. And so it's only since I've been out - 22 months and counting - that I've been open to the idea of a relationship ergo LOVE. And as you, my dear readers, are aware, since then I've certainly been out there trying to find Mr Right - and finding lots of Mr Right Nows (and the odd Mr Oh-What-the-Hell-Were-You-Thinking-Of)! That is, until I met McBrad. Ahhh, the gorgeous McBrad.
He actually said the L word on the Anzac weekend down at the beach house. But I didn't want to respond in kind at the time because it would've been just a "me too" response. Although I was definitely feeling things for him, and was HUGELY attracted to him, I didn't want to say the L word willy nilly. Because I've not said it to anyone before (in a romantic sense), I didn't want to use it frivolously - in the throes of passion or when I was inebriated. I didn't want to say it until I was sure of my feelings, that I was sure I'd met someone that I wanted to be with for the forseeable future.
And so last weekend, we were lying in bed talking - proper serious talking, the relationship kinda stuff - and it just came out - naturally and honestly and soberly! And boy, did it feel good! McBrad obviously liked it and definitely showed me how much he liked it - WOW!!! But I was really happy that I did hold out until I was ready for it. (Not that he pressured me or anything - that was the really nice thing. He wanted me to know how he felt and was happy to wait until I could respond) And now, I just want to keep telling him! I don't of course - don't want to overdo it, but it's just such a liberating thing! I love McBrad!!! And I want eveyone to know! Wahooooo! :-)
The only slight problem is that my friends Jacqui and Dan are copping earfuls nearly every day about how gorgeous he is, what a wonderful man he is, how in love I am etc etc and they are just about ready to strangle me next time I mention his name! So I need to reign it in a bit with them.
On other related topics - we merged our diaries this week! No small task, let me say! And now, May has suddenly gone from being quite a busy month to being totally chokka block with social activities! And can I say, there seems to be an inordinately large number of birthdays in May! Not sure why. ..
I'm staying at McBrad's this weekend which will be fantastic too!
Anyway, I will try and blog about some other topic soon, just so that you don't get bored out of your brain with posts about how much I'm in lurrrve! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Monty! xxx
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Just one of those things
When everything goes incredible
And all is beautiful
(Can’t get my head around, I need to think about it)
And one of those things
That used to get you down
Now have no effect at all
Cause life is beautiful
(Can’t get my head around it, I need to think about it)
Yes my dear readers, not only has Monty purchased Madge's latest album, Hard Candy (and is LOVING IT), but the words of "Incredible" are just about PERFECT in describing how I am feeling at the moment!
WARNING: The following paragraphs contain copious amounts of mushy stuff, so if you feel even slightly nauseous at me rambling on about how wonderful McBrad is, then please stop reading immediately!
Where do I start? I'm practically living at McBrad's - I spent 2 nights at home last week, the rest of the time at his. Went straight to his place after work Friday night as we were going to a birthday party of one of his friends'. That was a bit nerve-wracking, meeting his friends, but they were all very nice and friendly so it was a good evening. Saturday, we went shopping - McBrad recently purchased his house and so was needing a few bits and pieces of DIY hardware, so we hit Bunnings in a big way (along with most of the lesbian population of Sydney so it seemed)! And then, off to the Moore Park SuperCentre to have a look for a TV stand and some shelves - quite sucessful shopping. It was a quiet evening in on Saturday night, me snuggling with him watching a DVD - just my favourite pasttime at the moment! Sunday, we got to work on all the DIY projects - thankfully, being an Ikea aficionado from way back, I'm an expert at assembling flatpacked furniture and so whipped up the shelves in no time! After lunch, I went home as I really needed to do some washing and cleaning and needed to buy some groceries. I had planned on spending the night at home however he rang me while I was at Woolies and asked if I wanted to go over...don't you just love a man who can't get enough of you!!! As I was in grocery shopping mode, I suggested I make dinner, to which he agreed.
The weird thing was, the minute I arrived back at his place, I started feeling rather ill. Not sure why - I still don't understand and can't work out why - but by the time I served dinner, I was really not feeling like it. I forced a couple of mouthfuls down but then just raced to the loo and chucked the lot up! I felt like crap!!! But, McBrad, the gorgeous man that he is, was soooo lovely and caring. He suggested we watch one of my favourite movies - Moulin Rouge - which was very sweet of him and so that's what we did. And you know, no matter how awful I was feeling, being there in his arms whilst watching the movie was just the best! And even in bed, he was very considerate - I was going hot and cold and so when I was hot, I'd have half of me hanging out from underneath the covers over one side of the bed, but then when I was cold, I'd roll into the middle and he'd wrap his arms around me and snuggle close to warm me up. What a honey! What a man! What a boyfriend!!!
He let me sleep in yesterday and went to the gym - he was working from home yesterday - and so brought me some breakfast and coffee at about 11am. Was just what I needed...there is nothing better when you're feeling like death warmed up to have someone so wonderful looking after you!
OK, so I'm better now. Had lots of sleep yesterday and had a quiet night at home last night and slept all the way through. Missed him being next to me however. BUT, spending the rest of the week with my gorgeous man so I can't wait! I cannot believe how good this is feeling - everything feels right. It's amazing, everyone told me that "when it happens, you'll just know it" and "it'll happen when you least expect it" and you know what - they were all right!!! At the time, I wasn't particularly impressed with their advice, but in hindsight, they were smack bang on the mark! In fact, Bruce (with whom I've kept in contact) emailed me on Friday and said "Is it about now that we can all say, ‘told you so’ about waiting for the right one….?" and I had to reply "Yeah yeah yeah...enough of your smug comments!" - I could just see him smirking! But it's true! BLISSSSSSSSSSSSS...!!!
When everything goes incredible
And all is beautiful
(Can’t get my head around, I need to think about it)
And one of those things
That used to get you down
Now have no effect at all
Cause life is beautiful
(Can’t get my head around it, I need to think about it)
Yes my dear readers, not only has Monty purchased Madge's latest album, Hard Candy (and is LOVING IT), but the words of "Incredible" are just about PERFECT in describing how I am feeling at the moment!
WARNING: The following paragraphs contain copious amounts of mushy stuff, so if you feel even slightly nauseous at me rambling on about how wonderful McBrad is, then please stop reading immediately!
Where do I start? I'm practically living at McBrad's - I spent 2 nights at home last week, the rest of the time at his. Went straight to his place after work Friday night as we were going to a birthday party of one of his friends'. That was a bit nerve-wracking, meeting his friends, but they were all very nice and friendly so it was a good evening. Saturday, we went shopping - McBrad recently purchased his house and so was needing a few bits and pieces of DIY hardware, so we hit Bunnings in a big way (along with most of the lesbian population of Sydney so it seemed)! And then, off to the Moore Park SuperCentre to have a look for a TV stand and some shelves - quite sucessful shopping. It was a quiet evening in on Saturday night, me snuggling with him watching a DVD - just my favourite pasttime at the moment! Sunday, we got to work on all the DIY projects - thankfully, being an Ikea aficionado from way back, I'm an expert at assembling flatpacked furniture and so whipped up the shelves in no time! After lunch, I went home as I really needed to do some washing and cleaning and needed to buy some groceries. I had planned on spending the night at home however he rang me while I was at Woolies and asked if I wanted to go over...don't you just love a man who can't get enough of you!!! As I was in grocery shopping mode, I suggested I make dinner, to which he agreed.
The weird thing was, the minute I arrived back at his place, I started feeling rather ill. Not sure why - I still don't understand and can't work out why - but by the time I served dinner, I was really not feeling like it. I forced a couple of mouthfuls down but then just raced to the loo and chucked the lot up! I felt like crap!!! But, McBrad, the gorgeous man that he is, was soooo lovely and caring. He suggested we watch one of my favourite movies - Moulin Rouge - which was very sweet of him and so that's what we did. And you know, no matter how awful I was feeling, being there in his arms whilst watching the movie was just the best! And even in bed, he was very considerate - I was going hot and cold and so when I was hot, I'd have half of me hanging out from underneath the covers over one side of the bed, but then when I was cold, I'd roll into the middle and he'd wrap his arms around me and snuggle close to warm me up. What a honey! What a man! What a boyfriend!!!
He let me sleep in yesterday and went to the gym - he was working from home yesterday - and so brought me some breakfast and coffee at about 11am. Was just what I needed...there is nothing better when you're feeling like death warmed up to have someone so wonderful looking after you!
OK, so I'm better now. Had lots of sleep yesterday and had a quiet night at home last night and slept all the way through. Missed him being next to me however. BUT, spending the rest of the week with my gorgeous man so I can't wait! I cannot believe how good this is feeling - everything feels right. It's amazing, everyone told me that "when it happens, you'll just know it" and "it'll happen when you least expect it" and you know what - they were all right!!! At the time, I wasn't particularly impressed with their advice, but in hindsight, they were smack bang on the mark! In fact, Bruce (with whom I've kept in contact) emailed me on Friday and said "Is it about now that we can all say, ‘told you so’ about waiting for the right one….?" and I had to reply "Yeah yeah yeah...enough of your smug comments!" - I could just see him smirking! But it's true! BLISSSSSSSSSSSSS...!!!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Saki Rouva...

I received an email today - apparently Saki Rouva, a Greek singer, has been voted most beautiful man in the world! Who voted? I have no idea...but I certainly think they have a point! He's hot! But not nearly so gorgeous as my McBrad! :-)
On a completely different subject, I just want to say I'm having the BEST week! I have myself the HOTTEST boyfriend, with whom things just get better and better; our Lotto syndicate at work had a small'ish win on Tuesday; and today, I found out I've won myself a Plasma TV worth $4000! How cool is that!
Ahhhh, life is good!
Impro Tropicano...
Please see below - one of my friends is deeply involved in the production and I can say from personal experience, this is a great fun evening out (and it's for a good cause too). I'm going with a bunch of friends and if you're in Sydney, I'd suggest you get some friends together and book yourself some tix!

Well, have we got a show for you this year with some of Australia’s most talented Comic Improvisers including*:
· Andrew O’Keefe (Deal or No Deal, The Rich List, Weekend Sunrise)
· Nicola Parry (Thank God You’re Here)
· Rebecca De Unamuno (Comedy Inc.)
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of companies like EMC, every dollar you pay for your ticket goes directly to NAPCAN to help the Kids of Australia.
We really hope you join us, you won’t be disappointed.
Saturday 17th May at 7.30pm
Parade Theatre NIDA 215 Anzac Parade, Kensington
$50, $45 or $35 tickets
Price includes interval finger-food. Drinks can be purchased at the bar.
Discounts available for groups of 10 people or more
Directed by Lyn Pierse • Produced by James Sillence
PeopleKnowhow and NAPCAN
Making a Difference for the Kids of Australia
· Andrew O’Keefe (Deal or No Deal, The Rich List, Weekend Sunrise)
· Nicola Parry (Thank God You’re Here)
· Rebecca De Unamuno (Comedy Inc.)
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of companies like EMC, every dollar you pay for your ticket goes directly to NAPCAN to help the Kids of Australia.
We really hope you join us, you won’t be disappointed.
Saturday 17th May at 7.30pm
Parade Theatre NIDA 215 Anzac Parade, Kensington
$50, $45 or $35 tickets
Price includes interval finger-food. Drinks can be purchased at the bar.
Discounts available for groups of 10 people or more
Directed by Lyn Pierse • Produced by James Sillence
PeopleKnowhow and NAPCAN
Making a Difference for the Kids of Australia
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