Saturday, May 19, 2007

All's well that ends well...

What a week it has been! From both a work and personal perspective, it's been all over the place! But thankfully, it's all ended up pretty damn well, so I can't complain.

With work, as I've mentioned in previous posts, it's insanely busy at the moment in the lead up to the end of financial year (June 30) and so it's late nights at work, constant phone calls and emails from clients PLUS our esteemed leaders, in all their "wisdom" decided that this is a great time to send us all off on training days! As if we have time to waste with training days at this time of year! Seriously, these people show again and again that they have NO idea what happens in the real world! We, the frontline staff, the ones who actually interact with the clients, the ones who actually keep the business coming in the front door (particularly in the three months leading up to 30 June) have enough on our plate without having to deal with the silly ideas of Head Office. Ok Ok, my little rant for the week is over. Sorry. :-) Anyway, despite the fact that it was a full on week, it was also a very successful week for me; I had some very significant results from the week which made it worthwhile. And yesterday (Friday), our boss took our team out for a loooooong lunch at the Athenian in Barrack St and we managed to drink ourselves through quite a few bottles of rather pleasant Reds...oh and the girls had some Whites too. whatever. So the week at work did end quite well indeed...with Monty just a touch tipsy and feeling at one with the world in general.

On a personal note, the week had a significant backward step, when the Gent that I've been seeing for the last couple of weeks popped over my place on Wednesday night. He has called off our, ummmm fledgling relationship, for want of a better description. He doesn't feel that he can provide me with the emotional response that he feels I should be getting. There's no question that we do have chemistry, I find him inordinately attractive, and he's a great guy, and he certainly seems to reciprocate. However on an emotional level, he can't. I certainly appreciate the fact that he did front up to me in person to give me the news and that he did it early on...he didn't want to string me along for a month or two and allow me to get more emotionally involved when he knew in his heart that it was never going to succeed from his perspective. The thing that I am pleased about is that he still wants to see me and maintain and build our friendship! I really like the guy, I get on well with him, have felt comfortable with him, the rapport is easy and natural. So, although he's not boyfriend material, I've made a very good friend and I can't complain about that!

He actually picked me up from work last night, we had dinner and saw a movie and it felt great! We both knew where we stood and so the pressure was off and we just enjoyed each other's company!

So, my week did end well! And I've always been a believer in the "All's well that ends well" philosophy! Campbell emailed me today and said that I come across to him as a "glass half full" type person, and it does pretty much sum me up! I have a generally positive attitude toward life and so I can usually find a positive in whatever I'm going through, irrespective of how bad it may seem at the time.

So Monty is back to the NDP - back to dating and therefore back to blogging more regularly! The dating stuff certainly makes for much more entertaining posts and I always want to keep you, my loyal readers, entertained and happy! :-)

And the weekend is looking pretty good too - I had a lovely late breakfast this morning with my mate Muzbot which was highly pleasant...perfect weather for it! Good company, good food...what more can a guy want! And tonight, I'm going to a Theatresports thingy that's been arranged by NSSG's boyfriend DG - should prove to be an interesting night and most likely a highly entertaining night! And it will be great to catch up with the boys, having just returned from their week in the Fijian sun! Enjoy the weekend everyone!


Superchilled said...

Sorry things didn't go quite as you wanted them to - but at the same time it's nice that it has moved amicably.
I know what crazy work weeks are like - but not because of end of financial year movements... Have a great remainder of the weekend.

Guy In London said...

Hey Monty,

Hang on in there - you'll find a few Misters before finding Mr Right. I guess I've got all this to come - ho-hum - I guess I should make the most of what I while I still have it.


Peter said...

I'm glad you still have a good friend in him.

Monty said...

Thnaks was a FUN couple of weeks and I'm certainly not one to discount that simply because things didn't work out how I'd have preferred. Enjoy your weekend guys.

Christiaan Kidd said...

I reckon he'd be a total duffer for letting you go!

:-) x

Muzbot said...

Monty, I know it's hard when you like someone who has a heart enclosed in a wall of ice. Eh-hem... not that I would know. ;)
But sometimes we create those ice walls only to see who cares enough to thaw them.
Thanks again for brunch. I enjoyed it heaps.

altraeis said...

Hey Monty, big hugs from me and the Guvnor. So good to hear that all ended well and he at least had the decency to do it early and in person. Hugs
