Saturday, October 13, 2007

Monty on Tour 4...

Well, tomorrow morning at some extremely ungodly hour, I'm getting up so that I can catch a plane to Cairo. I'm very excited, not only because I'm going to Egypt, but also because I'm seeing my lovely friend Englishman In Budapest! Cannot wait to see him and catch up on all his news...and what news he has! Apparently, he's gone and got himself a boyfriend!!! So I've got lots of interrogation to do!

Anyway, I think that I'll probably be offline for a few days until I Wednesday evening. Wish me luck! :-)


Tom said...

I've just read GB's write-up of your meeting... and you call me a lush! Honestly! ;)

Have fun in Egypt!

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Well have fun.

kevin said...

Hey sexy,
Have a great time in Cairo. I wanna hear all about it asap.

Talk to you soon,
Kev in NZ
