Thursday, January 24, 2008


We were just discussing a new restaurant that's opened in the city and trying to find out if anyone has been there. No-one has. But it's a funny thing that we are often comparing restaurants here at work; it's actually considered part of my job to know which are the nice restaurants/cafes so that I can take my clients there. And so sitting on the net, trawling through restaurant reviews or having a 15 minute chat about what we thought of a particular restaurant isn't looked upon as time wasting, but rather as justified research. Our clients expect that we will take them to the decent places and so we need to become familiar with them. Oh, this is such a terrible part of my job! He he he!

Maybe I should ask Tom, he being a budding restauranteur...I'm sure he'd know!


Tom said...

Absabloodylutely! I'd be more than happy to lead you through a gastronomic tour of Sydney! Just bring your expense account and I'll be there! :)

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Poor you. Sounds really terrible.
