Sunday, January 06, 2008

Today...'s hot and humid, the kind of weather that induces a delicious kind of torpor that demands everything be done at half-pace. It's the weather that makes you want to turn off the perky pop music and instead, put on someone like Norah Jones and swing lazily in a hammock. Norah I do have, hammock I don't. So instead, I'm taking my iPod (duly loaded with Ms Jones) and beach towel down to the park, and read the paper with a beer in the shade of a lovely old Morton Bay Fig tree.

And this leads me to my other little topic...I was thinking about reading the paper in the park and realized that at this moment in time, there'd be nothing I would like more than to have Mr Right there with me in the park, reading his own paper (of course) next to me. No conversation necessary, just to be there together, silently aware of each other. That's one thing that will need to be a fundamental quality of whoever Mr Right is...he'll need to be a reader. Not only because he'll need to be able to enjoy that silent reading-in-the-park scenario, but also so I can raid his collection of books!

Well, I'm now exhausted from all this blog I'm off to the park! Hope everyone else is having a lovely weekend!


Soul Seared Dreamer said...

I hope you get biten by a non-rabid dog.

You have humid and a trip to the park.

I have cold and begining to darken (and its only 3PM)

Single Guy said...

I'm sensing the date from Friday night was not Mr Right? Maybe I can start a FB group for you is working wonders for Todd!
