Thursday, November 08, 2007

I came to London and I saw...

The Queen! Yes folks, that's right, I actually saw HM The Queen yesterday! How?

Well, I stayed the night at Matt's on Monday and we had planned on going to see the Salvador Dali exhibition on Tuesday at Southbank. So, after a bit of a sleep in, we eventually got ourselves up and ready and jumped on the tube into Westminster station - we were just going to walk across the Westminster Bridge to the Town Hall where the exhibition was. Well, we roll into Westminster station and there's signs advising that some of the exits are closed off due to Police Request. What was that about? We walked out and all the streets around Westminster (including the Bridge) were all closed off! Police lining the streets, guards on horseback etc etc. And then I remembered that the Queens Speech was happening that day and so put two and two together. There were crowds of people on the streets, waiting. And so being the tourist that I am, I had to get closer. So walked down into the thick of it and waited. Only had to wait for about 5 mins when there was activity coming from Westminster. All these horseguards paraded past, in their thigh high boots, and shiny breastplates, and drawn swords and then, I spy a carriage. And lo and behold, it's the Queen! Unfortunately, because she was in the carriage, she wasn't wearing the Imperial State Crown, but she was still wearing a very blingy tiara and she was actually looking quite good, for an old bird! I snapped off a few pics but unfortunately, as she was behind glass in the carriage, you can't actually see her in the pics. But I was very excited that I got to see her in person, with some serious bling on! Wholly unexpected but soooo cool. The ultimate London experience!

1 comment:

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Oh her.

I saw her at Harrow for some random event a couple of years back. She is very regal isn't she? You can't help but feel in awe.
