Friday, November 23, 2007


The Bank arranged for doctors to come around to our workplaces and do Health Checks on us and this week, they rolled into my building and so I fronted up yesterday for my check up.

I must say, I was rather chuffed as I rocked through the test with flying colours - my blood pressure was very good, my blood glucose reading was very good, I've got no family history of heart attacks, my resting heart rate was good, I've only got very average stress levels (which I treat with good doses of retail therapy). My cholesterol is high, however McDreamy, when he tested me in July, confirmed that my GOOD cholesterol is equally high which counteracts the bad guys! The only thing that is BAD in my life is my lack of formal exercise. I don't go to the gym, don't jog to work, don't ride a bike on the weekends. I do walk about 10 mins to the bus each day, but that's considered incidental exercise.

So, I've now got to think about doing some formal exercise...probably some brisk walking for 30 mins or so a couple of days a week. I'd much rather just go home and have a chardonnay but if I must, then I probably should!

1 comment:

GB said...

Wow m8, I REALLY REALLY can't believe that you haven't discovered the pleasures of making friends with guys who go to the gym. I know you don't need to lose weight, but if you focus on weight training you should be able to build muscle and hence put on weight :-). And maybe even score a few cute guys along the way!

GB xxx
