Friday, June 01, 2007

The Weekend Is Upon Us...

What a weird week it has been! It's still busy at work however I think I've broken the back of my URGENT URGENT stuff and so I've felt a bit less stressed...emphasis on a BIT. There's still plenty of stress, but I'm coping better this week! And today, I'm so totally lacking in any desire to do any work at all!!! I've been reading blogs, making comments on blogs, chatting to colleagues, basically anything that isn't work!

But on top of the bizarre work mood I've been in, I have also had a less stressed (or angsty) week on a personal note. I think the Gent In Question and I have sorted things out fully. We've got ourselves onto a mutally agreeable emotional platform and are moving forward in a satisfactory fashion! I'm pretty chuffed about this - he's a great guy and is going to be a very good friend (well, is already a good friend).

I'm off down the coast this afternoon with my friends James and Jacqui - down to the beach house. It's hardly the weather for beach-housing...the chill of autumn is fast turning wintery and so I doubt there will be much beaching! BUT, it is gorgeous weather still during the day, with bright sunny skies and it's still in the 20's so I feel we will be sitting on the back lawn with a full picnic spread tomorrow afternoon! 'twill be lots of cheeses, dips, crackers, olives, artichokes and of course, wine! mmmmmmmm...

It's going to be a lovely, relaxing weekend, spent with good friends, laughter, food, wine, Scrabble (James and I are having an epic re-match as I whipped his arse last time), DVD's and music! How much better can it get? (well, if someone was in bed with me at night keeping me warm, that would improve it somewhat)

I hope everyone has a great weekend, whatever you are doing!


Superchilled said...

It sounds like a delightful weekend! Weekends at beach houses always are - even when it's wintry - in fact sometimes they're even better then. Have a great one!

Tales of the City said...

Sounds like a yummy weekend Monty.. hope you enjoy. The sun is finally shining here.. hoping to get the hood down (on my car) and cruise around (driving)... oh its my hen weekend. Wish me luck.

Single Guy said...

Sounds like a great weekend. Enjoy it!
