Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Gay Education Continues...

Chatting to NSSG today about the Bloggers' Meet on Sunday night and he mentioned to me that everyone is going to Fair Day on Sunday afternoon. Fair Day? What the heck is Fair Day? It's times like this that yours truly feels so very inexperienced in the ol' Gay world...despite all my advances to date.

Just when I start feeling like I've got a handle on stuff, more new things arise! The Learning Curve is a very steep one at the moment!

Ah well, it's all fun, and the Fair Day promises to be a bit of fun! A whole park full of gay boys! You can't complain! To be followed by an evening with a bunch of bloggers and friends (many of whom sound single and cute - always a good combination!) - wahoooo! LOL


Darth Gateau said...

There's no handbook offered when you decide to tell the world you're gay so don't put pressure on yourself to understand everything at once.
I've been out for years - apart from to my parents, that's a whole new bag of experience, so even at my age (about 147 in gay terms!) I'm still learning.
Lie back and enjoy it all, let it all wash over you - there's enough cute guys out there who'll be more than willing to explain, demonstrate and point the way!
I haven't got the faintest idea what Fair Day is either by the way...

Single Guy said...

There is so much to learn! by the time you finish you will be ready to teach yourself! Enjoy the journey!

Campbell said...

So how was the next lesson in Gay Life 101?
