Ok, it's been ages and I do sincerely apologize for my lack of posting of recent times. I do have a very valid excuse...well, a mildly valid excuse anyway. My PC is stuffed up (as I've already mentioned in a previous post) and I've been sick! Yes, I left work early on Thursday with a cold and had Friday off sick too! Thankfully, my gorgeous McBrad wasn't working on Friday and so took very good care of me. Such a wonderful man. Anyway, I digress.
The challenge is, when I'm at McBrad's, I'm far too distracted to actually focus on writing a blog post. And particularly last weekend as McBrad had a man come in on Friday and remove all the overgrown bushes in the back yard. Unfortunately, the man wasn't that good looking or even well built (I'd had visions of a hot tradie, sweating in the hot sun, needing to take of his shirt whilst digging...you get the drift), but still, he got the job done. And so, with an empty garden, I had no other option but to pop down to the local nursery and buy some plants and begin Monty's Marvellous Metamorphosis of the garden! It's only about 30% done but already it's looking a treat. Once it's all done, I'll take some pics and post 'em. It's quite exciting as we are having a Christmas party the weekend before christmas and I'll have the garden completed and looking just smashing!
Anyway, point is that I didn't have a chance to blog. And so I thought, I'll get to work on Monday and do a quick update. Problem was, no-one told me that work was upgrading our web browsers with new filters that filter out, yes, you guessed it, personal blogs!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!! How the hell am I going to make it through the day without my fix of posts from you, my lovely blogger mates??? I have to say, the past two days at work have DRAGGED!!! So I'm sorry, but my blogging is going to be less than regular until I get my PC fixed or make some time at McBrad's for posting (as I am doing tonight).
Anyway, it's been a lovely weekend, with a party at my friend Jacqui's on Sat night and a restful day on Sunday with my hot man! It was funny, I had a couple of drinks with my old boss this arvo and he asked me about how things were going with McBrad and how long it's been. It's 8 months this coming weekend and I told him and he commented about how that was quite long. It was funny, but to me, 8 months doesn't sound long at all, but it feels like so long (in a good way, I hasten to add). It feels like a lifetime away when I was single and in my slutty summer/s and dating on Gaydar and all that stuff! It's only been a year since my UK trip but feels like a couple of years ago. It just amazes me that we've only been 8 months together...and that you, my dear readers, have still stuck with me and all my mushy updates about how hot and gorgeous and wonderful he is. Thank you! :-)
Anyway, that's about it for now. Just over 4 weeks until Christmas and there's so much still to do. Hope you are all having a good week!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

As mentioned by Tom in his blog, we saw Priscilla The Musical on Saturday night. It's the 3rd time for me but the first for Tom. It's had a few minor changes since I last saw it (June 2007) - some tweaking which has improved it and provided a few more laughs for the audience. It was another excellent night's entertainment from my perspective. As with Tom, I do wonder how it's going to translate to UK audiences with its very Australian jokes. I think the Poms will LOVE it, but maybe they'll need to adjust some of the jokes. Can I suggest that any residents of the UK that do read my blog do themselves a favour and go and see it - I think it starts up early 2009 in the West End.
My mate Dan and I tried to persuade Tom to come out for a drink or two on Oxford St afterward, but alas, he declined. Didn't stop us however and we ended up dancing our socks off at Palms. "We love the nightlife, we love to boogie" indeed!!!
We also had a Private Client Event on Monday night - my Bank sponsors the Australian Chamber Orchestra and so they are very accommodating. Once a year, the Private Bank invites our very best clients to a meet and greet type thing, cocktails and canapes and of course, the ACO. It's a great opportunity for the Bank's CEO and Excutive Team to meet our top clients and vice versa. This was the first one that I've been to, and it was quite interesting seeing the members of some of Australia's leading families, politicians, entertainers and well known business people all in the same room. It was actually a really fun night and it was great to experience the ACO up close and personal.
Last night, one of McBrad's friends had a small gathering at his house so it was nice to just sit and chat to them and get to know them a bit better.
So that's been about it.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Scottiejt actually stole this meme off me and adapted it rather well, so I'm stealing it back!
1) What does next year have in store for me? Well, hopefully, moving in with McBrad, a couple of nice holidays, our first real anniversary! Just more of the same fabulous times that I've experienced this year!
2) What's my love life like? Do you really need to ask? Bloody marvellous!!!
3) What do I say when life gets hard? Faaaaaaaark!
4) What do I think of when I wake up? I'm not usually capable of thinking - not a very good morning person. If I am with McBrad, I'll normally just snuggle closer! He's just so HOT!!!
5) What song will I dance to at my wedding/civil union :) ? This Is It - by Ms Dannii Minogue! It's camp as tits, utterly bubble-gum pop, and really great to dance to!
6) What do I want as a career? I'm pretty damn happy with my current job - Private Banker
7) My Favourite Saying?" God helps those who help themselves!
8) Favourite Place? Lying in McBrad's arms! Otherwise, Sydney, London, Budapest and Tuscany!
9) What Do I Think Of my Parents? I love them both and respect the fact that they stand by their principles.
10) What's my porn star name? Fluffy Williams!
11) Where would I go on a first date? I'd love to go to the Opera House and see (and hear) the Australian Chamber Orchestra perform with Teddy Tahu Rhodes! But, as I've got me a gorgeous man already (and our first date is looooong finished), it's kinda a moot point. But I would still love to take McBrad there - it's just that TTR isn't performing with the ACO anytime in the forseeable future.
12) Drug Of choice? Alcohol! My ONLY drug!
13) Describe myself? How do you describe yourself objectively? Dunno. I'm a glass half full kinda guy. I was talking to The Tourist this morning (he's in London), and he commented on the fact that all my Facebook profile updates are always happy and positive. When he mentioned that, I thought about it and realized that it's true. But how can't I be happy, my life is pretty damn good!
14) What is the thing I like doing most? Snuggling with McBrad. Entertaining with friends. Weekends away at the beach house.
15) What is my state of mind like at the moment? See 13
16) How will I die? With a smile on my face
1) What does next year have in store for me? Well, hopefully, moving in with McBrad, a couple of nice holidays, our first real anniversary! Just more of the same fabulous times that I've experienced this year!
2) What's my love life like? Do you really need to ask? Bloody marvellous!!!
3) What do I say when life gets hard? Faaaaaaaark!
4) What do I think of when I wake up? I'm not usually capable of thinking - not a very good morning person. If I am with McBrad, I'll normally just snuggle closer! He's just so HOT!!!
5) What song will I dance to at my wedding/civil union :) ? This Is It - by Ms Dannii Minogue! It's camp as tits, utterly bubble-gum pop, and really great to dance to!
6) What do I want as a career? I'm pretty damn happy with my current job - Private Banker
7) My Favourite Saying?" God helps those who help themselves!
8) Favourite Place? Lying in McBrad's arms! Otherwise, Sydney, London, Budapest and Tuscany!
9) What Do I Think Of my Parents? I love them both and respect the fact that they stand by their principles.
10) What's my porn star name? Fluffy Williams!
11) Where would I go on a first date? I'd love to go to the Opera House and see (and hear) the Australian Chamber Orchestra perform with Teddy Tahu Rhodes! But, as I've got me a gorgeous man already (and our first date is looooong finished), it's kinda a moot point. But I would still love to take McBrad there - it's just that TTR isn't performing with the ACO anytime in the forseeable future.
12) Drug Of choice? Alcohol! My ONLY drug!
13) Describe myself? How do you describe yourself objectively? Dunno. I'm a glass half full kinda guy. I was talking to The Tourist this morning (he's in London), and he commented on the fact that all my Facebook profile updates are always happy and positive. When he mentioned that, I thought about it and realized that it's true. But how can't I be happy, my life is pretty damn good!
14) What is the thing I like doing most? Snuggling with McBrad. Entertaining with friends. Weekends away at the beach house.
15) What is my state of mind like at the moment? See 13
16) How will I die? With a smile on my face
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
No, I haven't fallen off the planet - I'm still here. Busy busy busy at work and otherwise, nothing really significant to report. My bloody PC is having issues at the moment too (and don't you say anything about PC V Macs Tom) which means I can't log on at home. Thankfully, have been spending most of my time at McBrad's and so he's been letting me use his.
On the good side, I'm off with our ocean-swimming, surf-lifesaving and wannabe-restauranteur Tom and another mate, Dan, to see Priscilla, Queen of the Desert - The Musical on Saturday night. I've seen it twice already but it's in its last few weeks in Australia before it moves on to London's West End in January, and so it's my last opportunity. It's such a fun evening and neither Tom nor Dan have seen it so it'll be good to see what they think.
That's about it. How boring!
On the good side, I'm off with our ocean-swimming, surf-lifesaving and wannabe-restauranteur Tom and another mate, Dan, to see Priscilla, Queen of the Desert - The Musical on Saturday night. I've seen it twice already but it's in its last few weeks in Australia before it moves on to London's West End in January, and so it's my last opportunity. It's such a fun evening and neither Tom nor Dan have seen it so it'll be good to see what they think.
That's about it. How boring!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Stupid animals...the lot of them! As you may guess, none of the flipping horses I picked won or even placed, so my first ever attempt at betting is destined to be my last attempt. I'm not really into spending money on something that may or may not pay off - I'd much prefer to spend it on a couple of drinks and have myself a hazy afternoon, or a t-shirt or something tangible. Anyway, I'm off soon - making dinner for my hot man and a couple of friends tonight AND THEN, snuggling! I'm soooo happy he's back! :-)
A couple of things...firstly, we've got a couple of little breaks coming up which have all been sorted out in the last week or so since my gorgeous McBrad returned. Firstly, the Christmas details have been sorted out - should be a lovely long weekend down at the beach house with my brother Mark and his b/f Sim and the rest of his gang! Can't wait.
Following that, I've just booked (as in this morning), 5 nights at Kingfisher Bay Resort on Fraser Island in early January for McBrad, his friend Phil and myself. Phil's a long term friend of McBrad's who lives in London and so really wanted to get out of Sydney while he's here. I've not been to Fraser before so I am really looking forward to it! And spending 5 steamy summer nights on an island with my hot boyfriend.
Following that, we've got the Australia Day weekend sorted out - a friend of McBrad's is getting married (I blogged a couple weeks ago about receiving the joint invitation) in the Hunter Valley at Peppers Convent and so that will be excellent - nothing like lots of wine tasting and a wedding to put one (by that we mean McBrad) in the mood for romance and maybe more!!! ;-)
And of course, today is Melbourne Cup. I'm not a gambling man - in fact, until today, I've never placed a bet in my life. And so today, I rocked up to the TAB and I've now got bets on Septimus, Moatize and a trifecta with Nom du Jeu, Mad Rush and Profound Beauty. I'm also in the office sweeps for Moatize (twice) and Ice Chariot. So I reckon I've got at least half a chance of winning something. Cross your fingers!
Anyway, I'm in a marvellous mood with all these holdidays/short breaks booked with the love of my life. And I was just thinking in bed last night, that you all probably think that 7 months with McBrad is not such a long time. I've been alive for approx. 450 months and so it only represents 1.56% of my life so in that respect, it is only a very short amount of time. But, this is my longest romantic relationship and so every month we pass is very exciting for me! I'm sorry if I do bore you with my monthly reminder - but every month that goes by, things just seem to get better and better. Why I am so lucky, I don't know...but I'm loving it!!! :-)
Following that, I've just booked (as in this morning), 5 nights at Kingfisher Bay Resort on Fraser Island in early January for McBrad, his friend Phil and myself. Phil's a long term friend of McBrad's who lives in London and so really wanted to get out of Sydney while he's here. I've not been to Fraser before so I am really looking forward to it! And spending 5 steamy summer nights on an island with my hot boyfriend.
Following that, we've got the Australia Day weekend sorted out - a friend of McBrad's is getting married (I blogged a couple weeks ago about receiving the joint invitation) in the Hunter Valley at Peppers Convent and so that will be excellent - nothing like lots of wine tasting and a wedding to put one (by that we mean McBrad) in the mood for romance and maybe more!!! ;-)
And of course, today is Melbourne Cup. I'm not a gambling man - in fact, until today, I've never placed a bet in my life. And so today, I rocked up to the TAB and I've now got bets on Septimus, Moatize and a trifecta with Nom du Jeu, Mad Rush and Profound Beauty. I'm also in the office sweeps for Moatize (twice) and Ice Chariot. So I reckon I've got at least half a chance of winning something. Cross your fingers!
Anyway, I'm in a marvellous mood with all these holdidays/short breaks booked with the love of my life. And I was just thinking in bed last night, that you all probably think that 7 months with McBrad is not such a long time. I've been alive for approx. 450 months and so it only represents 1.56% of my life so in that respect, it is only a very short amount of time. But, this is my longest romantic relationship and so every month we pass is very exciting for me! I'm sorry if I do bore you with my monthly reminder - but every month that goes by, things just seem to get better and better. Why I am so lucky, I don't know...but I'm loving it!!! :-)
Monday, November 03, 2008
There's a couple of anniversaries to mention, both of which I missed!!!
Firstly, it was my 2nd blogging anniversary on the 23rd October! Yes folks, Monty has been dishing up this frivilous floss for over 2 years now!!! Can you believe it!!! So, a big thanks to all of you who've contributed to my blog, simply by reading it and commenting as well. My life has certainly turned around in the past 2 years and even in the past 12 months since my last anniversary post...all for the better! Of course, my gorgeous McBrad is a large part of my change circumstances!
And speaking of McBrad, we achieved 7 months together last week. It actually passed us by without noticing - granted, we were somewhat in the midst of a joyful and blissful reunion and so completely forgot about everything else. I realized the next day and sent an email to him. But we already agreed not to formally celebrate any more milestones until we hit the REAL anniversary (next March) but still, thought it was worth mentioning.
We caught up with fellow blogger Tom on the weekend - we went out to dinner at Rubyos on King St, Newtown and spent a pleasant couple of hours grazing the variety of foods and drinking some rather splendid wine. I actually dusted off a bottle of '98 Cab Shiraz and it was just perfect (and Tom brought a lovely Aussie Marsanne too)!!!
That's about it. Just a quick post. Have a good week!
Firstly, it was my 2nd blogging anniversary on the 23rd October! Yes folks, Monty has been dishing up this frivilous floss for over 2 years now!!! Can you believe it!!! So, a big thanks to all of you who've contributed to my blog, simply by reading it and commenting as well. My life has certainly turned around in the past 2 years and even in the past 12 months since my last anniversary post...all for the better! Of course, my gorgeous McBrad is a large part of my change circumstances!
And speaking of McBrad, we achieved 7 months together last week. It actually passed us by without noticing - granted, we were somewhat in the midst of a joyful and blissful reunion and so completely forgot about everything else. I realized the next day and sent an email to him. But we already agreed not to formally celebrate any more milestones until we hit the REAL anniversary (next March) but still, thought it was worth mentioning.
We caught up with fellow blogger Tom on the weekend - we went out to dinner at Rubyos on King St, Newtown and spent a pleasant couple of hours grazing the variety of foods and drinking some rather splendid wine. I actually dusted off a bottle of '98 Cab Shiraz and it was just perfect (and Tom brought a lovely Aussie Marsanne too)!!!
That's about it. Just a quick post. Have a good week!
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