Lots of small stuff to say today.
Firstly, and this is quite late, I just want to say how cool it is that Matthew Mitcham won gold for Australia in the Diving at the Olympics. We were out at the Oxford Hotel on Saturday night and when we walked in, it was strange that the whole bar was watching TV. When we looked at what was on TV, we understood...it was the diving and all the guys were ogling all the diving boys. But then Matthew Mitcham came on and did his fabulous Olympic record dive and the whole place errupted in cheers and clapping. It was great to see that this guy had the courage to out himself - the only male Olympian to do so - and to win gold, with an almost perfect dive, was outstanding! Well done Matty! I'm sure we can expect that he'll have a whole float dedicated to him next Mardi Gras.
I was home Saturday morning, just doing some cleaning up around the apartment. I must say, I'm barely there anymore and so just doing the chores etc is becoming increasingly challenging, from a time perspective. Granted, I'm not there to mess the place up, but still, dust accumulates. Anyway, I washed my sheets and put a new set on the bed, but of course, I spent the weekend at McBrad's so it wasn't until Monday night, when I dragged my weary body to bed, that I remembered. It was soooo delightful to slide between lovely fresh sheets. One of life's little pleasures and even better when it's unexpected.
Muzbot's warning, we saw The Strangers last night...grrrrr. I was scared half witless and poor McBrad must have my handprints inbedded in his legs from me squeezing them so tightly! I squealed like a girl at all the right moments, but was also annoyed beyond buggery by the illogical actions of the characters. I mean, you are being terrorised by 3 crazies wearing masks, who are outside your house, so what does the male character do? Why of course, leave the female behind in the house, while he goes outside to the shed to try and use the phone there! Hello! Does anyone not think it's better to stay together??? Strength in numbers and all that??? Seriously, I'm getting the living daylights scared out of me whilst I can't help but get more and more annoyed by the minute. Very frustrating. It was, however, lovely to snuggle up in McBrad's warm comforting arms as I drifted off to sleep!
Oh, and here's a lovely picture for the day...it was emailed to me by one of my trusty band of gay colleagues. Very nice indeed...

Speaking of which...check out
this website - and vote for the hottest guy in football - either rugby league or AFL. There are some prime specimens there!!!
Anyway, that's about it for the moment...nothing momentous. Have a great week!