Wednesday, March 09, 2011

MG 2011...

Well, Mardi Gras is over for another year! And here's me as a tradie - a painter! It was the only trade I could think of that I had a hope of pulling off without being laughed at! Had an awesome time, but I have to say, dancing the whole way up Oxford St completely wore me out - I was exhausted by the end! Well, it comes with almost being 40!!! (yes, can you believe just over a month!)

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Just when you thought I was gone...

I'm back! But only for a short post...if you're going to watch Mardi Gras on Saturday, look for the Gay Tradies float - I'll be the guy, in the white overalls (and nothing else), fake tan, pretending to be a painter! Yes, that's right folks, Monty is back for a second go at marching in Mardi Gras! Had so much fun last year that I couldn't say no! One very exciting thing this year is that our lovely lavender fellow former blogger Darth Gateau is here in Sydney on holidays so I get to catch up with him again! Very exciting!

That's it...just a quick post! :-)
